Cries of Hope (Punk Narry)

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Niall watched as one of his friends punched the beautiful boy with curls. Niall gasped as the boy got kicked in the groin and fell down.

The boy's eyes were teary as he pleaded. "Please stop! I'll do your homework for two weeks."

Jake punched the boy's nose once again causing the crimson liquid to ooze from his nose. "Hmm, i don't know. This is fun."

The boy looked at Niall with pleading eyes.

"Please help me." The boy mouthed.

"What was that nerd?" Jake asked while kicking the boy's stomach.

The boy with the curls took in a sharp breath as his tears fell, soaking his dress shirt.

"Okay Jake, I think that's enough." Niall pulled Jake away from the boy with beautiful green eyes.

"He deserves the pain Niall. He's pathetic." Jake spat.

"Yeah." Niall lied. "But, how is he supposed to do our homework if he's all broken?"

Jake looked at the boy before spitting on him. "Stay out of my way and we won't have a problem."

Jake walked away with his head held high, feeling proud.

Niall on the other hand wasn't feeling rather fond of the idea of harming such a beautiful young boy.

"I'm so sorry." Niall apologized.

The boy brought his knees up to his chest and hugged them. He let out quiet sobs and rocked himself back and forth.

Niall sighed and stuck out his hand for the boy to take.

The younger of the two hesitated before grabbing Niall's hand.

"What's your name?" Niall asked curiously.

"Harry Styles." The boy with the chocolate colored curls spoke silently. He was very hesitant with everything he said. He knew that Niall wouldn't hurt anyone purposely. But, he knew that Niall can be very reckless at times, and if angered He could hurt you ten times worse than any beating from Jake. 

"Okay." Niall smiled warmly.

"Where's Niall?" A voice boomed through the corridors. Not just any voice though, it was Jake's, and he was angry. Not only because Niall stopped Jake from beating Harry anymore. That wasn't the worst part. Jake's temper could easily snap like a stick. So when Jake couldn't find Niall and confront him about his decision, he got angered.

Niall's head shot up, and he walked towards the door.

"Niall?" Harry's voice sounded vulnerable. "Promise me that they won't hurt me anymore."

Niall frowned slightly as he thought of the right words to say. "I can't promise that Harry."

Niall's words stung, but Harry slowly nodded.

"All we could do now is hope." Niall spoke before shutting the door behind him to go look for Jake.

Cries of Hope [Punk Narry]Where stories live. Discover now