Chapter Eleven

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Niall's POV

I watch as Liam makes his way towards me. What the hell does he want now? None of this is his fucking business. He isn't Harry's bodyguard. He should just stay the hell away. Liam finally reaches me. He lifts his hand and slaps me again. What the hell is it with him slapping me all the fucking time?

"What the hell, Liam?" I ask through gritted teeth. Like I said before, he can't go around slapping people all the fucking time.

"Niall? What is this loser doing here?" Zayn asks me. I turn towards him and give him a look. He puts his hands up and walks away with Perrie and Louis.

"You said you would talk to Harry and fix things," Liam rolls his eyes. "Instead you lead him into doing this. You're so pathetic."

"I didn't mean for this to happen!" I yell in his face. "I was going to apologize. I was going to fix everything."

"Yeah, how did that turn out for you?" He shakes his head in disapproval. "He tried to kill himself, Niall."

"Don't you think I know that? I'm the one who saved him!" I exclaim.

"You wouldn't have to if you weren't such a dick!" He spits. He's right. But I can't tell him that.

"Please just shut up! I don't need to hear this right now." I plea. He rolls his eyes before taking a seat.

I grab my phone and start playing games. I'm gonna be waiting for a while so why not? I'm about to win when my phone starts ringing. Fuck.

"Hello?" I groan into the phone.

"Niall," a voice speaks. Zayn. "We were walking around the hospital and we talked to harry's doctor. We can go in and visit him. He's stable."

I smile lightly. "Alright, I'll be there soon." I ended the call and jumped up from my seat.

"What happened?" Liam asks me. Oh yeah, I forgot about him. Should I tell him the truth? I may not like him but he definitely is loyal to Harry.

"Harry is stable. We can go visit him now." I tell liam. I watch as his lips stretch into a smile.

"That's amazing. Let's go, yeah?" He suggests. I roll my eyes. Of course I'm gonna go check on Harry.

"No shit," I reply bluntly. Yeah, I'm totally going to leave Harry in a hospital all by himself with this piece of shit. Liam is a stupid bastard, that's for sure.

We walk together to the room that harry is staying in. Once we arrive I turn the knob and walk in. I frown at the sight. He's still asleep. Harry's curls are sprawled across the nasty pillows. He has multiple tubes injected into him. His left wrist is covered completely by bandages. Even through all this, he looks absolutely perfect.

I take a seat next to harry and grab his hand. I bring his hand up to my lips and kiss it gently, ignoring the tubes connected to his right wrist.

I hear the door open, followed by heavy footsteps. "May I speak to Harry's boyfriend?" A different doctor asks.

I hear Liam scoff as the others snicker. "Yeah, sure. Just give me a minute." I get up and press my lips onto Harry's forehead. I walk towards the door and step outside.

The doctor seems pretty nervous. The other doctor probably told him how I threatened him. What a baby.

"Is everything alright sir? What did you want to talk to me about?" I ask him. He grabs something from his clipboard and hands it to me. It's a pamphlet.

"It's for Mr. Styles. Considering the fact that his mother isn't here I have to give it to you. It seems that you're the closest to him." The doctor sends me a small smile.

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