Chapter Thirteen

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Harry's POV

"Sorry about my mum. She is just really picky about the people I hang out with." I reassure them. She is really picky. She wouldn't want me to hang out with people who have tattoos and piercings.

"Really?" Louis asks while he roll rolling his eyes. "I didn't see her say shit to Liam. I saw them having a perfect little conversation."

"Sorry guys, my mum just doesn't approve of people wit-"

"Tattoos," Niall cuts me off. "We know Harry. Everyone has been judging us our whole lives. I just really wanted to make a good impression so that we could spend more time around your house without hiding from your mum."

"You could still come over, Niall. We won't have to hide from my mum. She's just in shock right now. Just give her a chance. She didn't think I'd ever do this." I sigh while running my fingers through my hair.

"None of us did," Niall mumbles-probably to himself- but I hear it. I sigh and start to fumble with the tube connected to my arm. This is stupid. Can we simply not?

"I'm sorry," I whisper mostly to Niall. It probably came out as a squeak though. "I just ruin everything for you, don't I?"

"Can you guys give me and Harry a few minutes to talk, please?" Niall asks everyone. They nod and walk outside to where my mother has gone recently. "Harry," Niall brought my hand up to his lips and placed a small kiss on my fingers. "I told you to stop blaming everything on yourself."

"But, I know it is." I argue. It is all my fault. I only bring pain to those around me. "None of you deserve this."

"Harry, listen to me. We all adore you. There isn't anyone in the world that we would rather have than you." I smile at his words.

"Niall, I really like you." I blurt out. He smiles and gives me a kiss on my forehead.

"I know," He answers smoothly. I frown at his blunt answer. I thought he liked me. I thought we could have made this work. I don't want him to know that I'm sad though, and the longer we're in here alone, the more tempted I am to burst into tears.

"Um, can you please call the others back in." I blink away the tears that are threatening to spill out. He looks at me like I have seventy-five heads before nodding and walking outside.

Seconds later, Zayn, Louis, and Perrie come inside. Where's Mum and Niall? "Um, guys?" I barley manage to squeak. Pathetic, I know, but I'm not the kind of person who could actually talk to people. Let alone, such intimidating people. "Where's Niall?"

"I don't know. He seemed pretty mad when he called us in, but I swear I could've heard him mumble that he's looking for your Mum." Perrie answers. Zayn and Louis look at her and shake their heads. Perrie's eyes grow wide before covering her mouth. "I could be wrong though."

"Thank you, Perrie." I send her a small smile. I really hope Niall isn't rude to my mum. I also really hope that my mum isn't so quick to judge Niall like I know she is. Man, I just really hope everything goes alright, but I'm stuck having to wait here in this uncomfortable bed with a bandage tightly wrapped around my wrists and tubes injected into my arms. Isn't life just wonderful?


Niall's POV

Where is she? Harry's mum couldn't have just run off that quickly. She has to still be in the building. I quickly rush to the elevator and go down to the cafeteria. She probably just wanted coffee or something. I see her dark brown hair by the refrigerator and swiftly run to her side.

"What do you want, boy? I'm trying to get some creamer for my coffee." Harry's Mum replies bluntly, much to my annoyance.

"Why did you walk out like that? You decide to treat Liam like you've known him for years while you treat him like garbage? That isn't fair to any of us!" Some of the hospital workers are looking at me, but they know better than to confront me about it.

"You need to stop! I don't need to start a scene. My son is already sitting in a hospital bed, and there isn't much more I can handle." She cries. I start to feel bad for her but then I remember the way she looked at me earlier with such hatred.

"I'm sorry, mam. I really, truly am. But that doesn't give you the right to treat us like that. If Harry approves of us, then why can't you? We aren't bad people; we just have a different way of expressing ourselves. You could say what you want whenever. We can't. We were shushed and frowned upon. It was our only way. I'm sorry if you don't like us by the way we look, but you should get to know us before you judge us." I sigh. She takes in a sharp breath before looking at me with tear filled eyes. 

"Listen, I'm sorry-" She pauses and waits for me to tell her my name.


"Okay, niall, I'm sorry for judging you so quickly, but I have a reason to. When I was younger I fell in love with someone. A 'punk' you might say. He fooled me into thinking he loved me. I was a stupid teenager. I didn't know better." The pain in her voice makes me pity her. I think I know where this is going.

"You don't have to-"

"Shh," She tries to smile but fails. "He um, he took me to a party." She is going to burst into sobs any minute. "He got me drunk. He took me upstairs and locked me in a bedroom before leaving. Minutes later, he returned with two other men. I got raped that night."

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Sty-"

"I just don't want Harry to get hurt like I did. Ever." She cuts me off for like the billionth time today.

"I won't. He's like my little brother." I half lie. I do consider Harry like my little brother. I want to protect him at all times. From all the bullies. From himself. I really like Harry. I want to be with him all the time.

"You're a good young man, Niall. Take care of my son." She smiles and gives me a hug before excusing herself to go fix her hair and makeup. What she had to go through was terrible. I understand why she didn't really approve of us at first. Well, at least I don't have to worry about her not letting me see Harry.


Really short and crappy but I had to update since I haven't in like thirteen days. Next chapter should hopefully have all of the Narry fluff you guys have been waiting for. It would be really nice if you left some nice comments and voted for this. It'll encourage me to update more and make the chapters longer. Okay, that's it. Bye! Ily ^_^

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