Chapter 11

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Tiffany went to T Bar for a drink alone. She had her 19th shots yet she still feel as normal. She is a really good drinker.

"Hi everyone, it's DJ Taeng again. How's your day? Hahaha. Today I will be singing another song that I've composed. It's called Miracles In December." Taeyeon put down his guitar at the back of the stage and started walking towards the piano.

"I'm struggling to find you who I cannot see
I'm struggling to find you who I cannot hear
I see things that I couldn't see before
I hear things that I couldn't hear before
After you left me, I have grown a power that I didn't have before

The selfish me who has only thought about myself
The me who didn't know your feelings and ignored it
I couldn't believe myself that I have changed this much
Your love can still move me like this

If I just think of you, I can fill this world with you
Because each snowdrop is one tear drop that belongs to you
But theres just one thing that I can't do and it's to make you come to me
I hope I don't have this miserable power

The selfish me who has only thought about myself
The me who didn't know your feelings and ignored it
I couldn't believe myself that I have changed this much
Your love can still move me like this

Stopping the time, (I) go back to you
I open this book of memories and I open up your page
And in the book I'm in there, in there with you

The small and weak person, because of your love
Just like this for everything (my whole existence)
I changed the whole world

The me who didn't know how to be thankful for love
The me who thought that the end was the end
To the image of you who wanted me to be, I fixed myself everyday
I think my love will continue on forever

Stopping the time, (I) go back to you
I open this book of memories and I open up your page
And in the book I'm in there, in there with you
The things that I met that winter

I'm struggling to find you who I cannot see
I'm struggling to find you who I cannot hear"

Tiffany cried while listening to DJ Taeng. She tried to open her eyes to see him perform but due to strong intoxication after 30th shots now, she slumped on the table and lie her head unmoving.

After Taeyeon sing several more of ballad, he left the stage and went to pack his stuff backstage. As he was about to leave he saw a bunch of middle-age men hovering someone who he could not really see. "GO AWAY!!!" The voice sounded like a girl. She was shouting in English.

Taeyeon walked over and tapped one of the guys.

"Excuse me. If you guys don't mind, please leave the girl alone."

"Who are you to stop us. Fuck off." The guy with goatee pushed Taeyeon harshly. Taeyeon eyed at them and realize they are all drunk.

"WOOYOUNG!" Taeyeon called for the bouncer and Wooyoung started to gather more bouncers from the bar. Every bouncer dragged one guy out and told them they are not permitted in the bar for the night.

Taeyeon walked over to the girl who has her head on the standing table.


"I SAID GO AWAY!" Tiffany hit Taeyeon right on his cheek which accidentally caused his teeth to bite his lips and bleed. "Oww.." Taeyeon did not rage but carried the girl by throwing half of her body over his shoulders, along with her bag.


Taeyeon released the girl when he saw a bench outside. He finally saw the girl's face afterwards.

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