Tiffany ran to the fountain outside the huge building and panted heavily. She wiped off the tears dropping from her eyes harshly. Tiffany did not know why did she cry. Her gush of emotions because of seeing Taeyeon and hearing him sing again is just overwhelming.
"Do you want to talk to him?" A voice came from behind and the person tapped on Tiffany's shoulder.
"No.." Tiffany said softly and breathed in a huge one, wiping her tears once more before turning and face the person.
"You're crying again.. because of him." Michelle walked nearer to Tiffany and caressed her cheeks with her both hands, adoringly wiping off Tiffany's tears for her with her thumbs. Her heart is as broken to see her precious sister like this.
"What are the chances you will see him in LA? What more in this private event? It's fate, Steph.. Do you really want to miss this chance?"
"I .. I don't even know what to say. Or .. I just.."
"I thought you have a lot to ask him?"
"I don't know.." Tiffany could not even think straight now. She's so wrecked.
"I didn't see her.." Taeyeon mumbled as he packed his stuff. "Maybe she really didn't come." Taeyeon sighed.
"Ready to leave?" Sooyoung sticked her head from outside the door.
"Yeah.. let's go." Taeyeon said half-heartedly. Feeling out of mood out of sudden.
As Taeyeon and Sooyoung are making their way out of the building, Sooyoung banged into someone that cause her to stumble and fall back. Taeyeon swiftly grabbed onto Sooyoung's arms when he saw the scene. Sooyoung safely leaned her body against Taeyeon.
"Oh my god. This is painful!" Sooyoung sulked as she looked at her ankle that is slightly sprained with the heels. "Dammit" She cursed softly as she rubbed her foot.
"Are you okay?" Taeyeon finally spoke after holding onto Sooyoung and the girl ignored his help.
"Dam my leg kinda hurts." Sooyoung looked at Taeyeon and pouted.
"Aigoo.. how poor thing." Taeyeon played along as if talking to a child with Sooyoung acting like a baby. "Come on let's get you to the doctor's." Taeyeon continue to hold onto Sooyoung's arms to support her as she walk.
"I thought I made you cry." Julien said.
"If I cry because of you, I might be crazy." Tiffany said as she rolled her eyes playfully. She has returned to the ballroom after heading to the ladies to compose herself.
"Maybe you just fall in love with me that's why." Julien smirked, trying to make Tiffany feel better.
"Yuks." Tiffany faked a puke.
"Fine, But I was worried earlier on. Really." Julien said seriously. Hoping Tiffany could tell him what's wrong. But Tiffany isn't looking at him but somewhere else. He followed her eyes direction and saw her staring at a couple few metres away.
"Whatever! Just hurry leave this place!" The girl shouted at the boy who is still laughing.
Julien got a confused look on him to which why Tiffany has her eyes fixed on them.
Slowly, the couple walked right in front of them. Tiffany could feel butterflies in her stomach, again.
"I'm sorry, excuse me!" Sooyoung said.
Tiffany slightly stepped back immediately but her eyes didn't leave a particular someone who is busy looking at the floor to make sure the tanned girl walks alright. This time, she could feel her heart sank. Taeyeon is holding on to the girl. Looking out for her caringly. Tiffany's creased her brows and turned away, breathing heavily as she continuously swallowed her saliva.
"...It's fate, Steph.. Do you really want to miss this chance?" Her sister words echoed in her head. She closed her eyes tight, hoping her mind could calm down but no. Tiffany breathed in once again building up her courage before turning around, "Taeyeon!"
She called him.
The boy immediately stopped his tracks. Sooyoung, too, heard someone called Taeyeon. The both of them turned to see a beautiful lady who has a deep expression on her face. "FF-..Tiffany.." Taeyeon startled. He was about to call Tiffany's nickname but he slapped himself up, remembering their status now. Tiffany walked slowly towards Taeyeon with heavy steps. Taeyeon could feel butterflies in his stomach as Tiffany approached him. His mind is in a mess now. What should he do? Should he run away? Or should they find a private area to talk? Or ..?
"Your song.. it's great." Tiffany managed to pull off a smile.
Taeyeon had his mouth opened. Stunned.
That's it? - Taeyeon was surprised.
He left without saying goodbye but Tiffany talks to him as if there isn't any feelings about this.
"I didn't know you will be at LA."' Tiffany continued her awkward compliment previously.
"I was.." Taeyeon frowned as he tried to find the words to say but his mind went blank. Because Tiffany is standing right in front of him. The girl he love. The girl he missed.
The girl to the lyrics he wrote.
The girl in his life.
Tiffany was patiently waiting for Taeyeon to say something but a voice interrupted them.
"AH!! IT'S COMING BACK! THE PAIN!!!" Sooyoung suddenly shouted. But not too loud in the room with special guests. "Are you okay?!" Taeyeon immediately put his hand back to support Sooyoung, looking down at her foot.
It is badly swollen already.
"Hurry! Let's go!" Sooyoung frowned with unhappiness and tried to move Taeyeon along with him.
"I.." He looked at Sooyoung before he looked back at Tiffany, who has her eyebrows raised, looking as if she is waiting for Taeyeon to say something desperately. "Sorry.. I've to go." Taeyeon said to Tiffany but he did not meet her eyes.
"Okay." Tiffany said softly, "Take care." Tiffany said in a really soft tone which cause Taeyeon's heart to skipped a beat. He felt the urge to run towards the girl and give her a big hug telling her how much he misses her. But he couldn't.
At least, not now.
"You.. take care too." Taeyeon looked up and finally noticing the man standing next to Tiffany. He frowned at the boy looking at him before turning to leave as he slowly support Sooyoung out.
Tiffany's tears as if on cue, started to form in her eyes again. They are threatening to fall anytime. Julien saw it and was about to say something but Tiffany ran away from him again.
She's crying again.. Is it because of that guy? - Julien thought and frowned.

You Give Me Butterflies
FanfictionCredits: Dookong