Tiffany opened the door and saw the best image ever. Taeyeon came to send her for school.
"Taetae!" She jumped at the boy and wrapped her legs around him. Taeyeon instinctively grabbed Tiffany's butt to hold her. "Yah, are you ready to leave?" Taeyeon said softly with Tiffany's face so close to him.
"Are you enjoying it?" She giggled and asked with her beautiful eyesmile.
Taeyeon was confused with what Tiffany meant. The girl just tilt her head and looked below with his eyes following the direction. "Oh mygod!" Taeyeon quickly let go of his hand. He didn't realize he is holding onto her butt this while.
"I.. I just can't let you fall."
Tiffany had her arms wrapped around Taeyeon's neck tightly. Now with Taeyeon surrendering his hands, the girl is still sticking on him like a koala. "Okay, I believe you once." Tiffany sticks out her tongue cutely and dropped herself.
The couple held hands and walked towards the football field for a morning stroll before lessons start.
"Tae, since the purpose of me dolling up like this is to prevent any bad boys from taking advantage of me and I have you now.. Should I start to dress like Stephanie Hwang now?" Tiffany leaned her body closer to Taeyeon as she swing their tightly intertwined fingers.
"Yah! Why?!" Tiffany pouted at Taeyeon's quick reaction without even thinking about it longer to give her an answer.
"No way. You look great now. I don't care. You're still beautiful to me." Taeyeon playfully pinched Tiffany's cringed nose.
"Liar. You're just jealous." Tiffany faked an angry look but she is actually smiling inside.
"W-Who says?!" Taeyeon stutter when he talks because he is obviously caught getting jealous.
"Then you let me doll up like the girls in school!"
"NO! End of conversation Hwang Miyoung."
"Yah!" Tiffany hit Taeyeon's arm when he called her Korea name.
"Well well, what a happy couple" Siwon walked towards them holding onto a hockey stick.
Shit, We shouldn't have walked here. Totally forgotten his team is practicing at this timing. - Taeyeon thought as he slightly hide Tiffany's behind him.
"No wonder someone is so protective the other day. You just want to get this girl in your pants right?"
"Mind your language, Choi Siwon." Taeyeon started to fume with that brat's dirty talk.
"How's Tiffany on bed? Maybe you could tell us about the difference of having sex with someone who is a NERD and someone who is extremely hot like JISOOK."
Siwon knew about Taeyeon and his ex since he is the first person Taeyeon knew when he came to this school and they were classmates in high school.
"Shut UP, Siwon." Taeyeon clenched his teeth and fist.
Siwon smirked and leaned in to Taeyeon's ears.
"I told you I won't let you off so easily. I thought we were friends."
Tiffany didn't get angry, she is used to how Siwon treated her. But she is afraid how Taeyeon will feel.
"Tae, are you alright?" Tiffany gently give Taeyeon's chest a rub to smoothe his anger.
"I'm fine. I just hate how he insults you."
"You're so protective, Taetae." Tiffany flashed her beautiful eyesmile at Taeyeon which made the boy smile with her with her contagious smile.
"I'll always be here to protect you." Taeyeon said with confidence and gave Tiffany a peck on her forehead.
The couple walk side by side with their hands tightly intertwined as they enter the class. Everyone cheered for the newly couple. "WOO!"
"Yah Hyung! How do you like someone like Tiffany?!"
"Oppa I'm prettier than her!"
There are some people who give them their blessings but there are some mean classmates who oppose this because they has already listed Tiffany as 'below average' in their good looking ranking in class.
"Oppa, You didn't like me?" Hyuna went over and lean her body on Taeyeon daringly. Tiffany saw this and immediately pushed her away from her boyfriend. "Yah! Get your body away from my boyfriend!"
"You're just lucky. Maybe Taeyeon oppa will dump you tomorrow." Hyuna counter back.
"YOU!!!" Tiffany was getting so furious.
"Guys! Please. Respect my decision. & Tiffany is more than beautiful in my eyes. Even her character is beautiful. No one should judge just because one doesn't meet your expectations. It's my life.. She's my life. It doesn't bother you guys at all. Please." Taeyeon talked like a chairman in class which made everyone go slient while listening.
Tiffany's eyes got teary when she hears what Taeyeon just said. She couldn't stop smiling at the boy's courage and love for her.
"Of course! You guys are a really fated couple! Congrats buddy!" Yuri starts to stir some atmosphere and everyone started to cheer as well. This time, everyone stands on the couples side and none of them comment anymore. Well, except for Hyuna who rolled her eyes at Tiffany before she took her seat.
"I'm jealous." Jessica said to Tiffany when they were having their private lunch together after so long. Taeyeon and Yuri had to complete some essays in class while Yoona and Seohyun still has their lessons going on since they are not in the same class.
"I'm jealous of myself too. How did I met such a nice man."
"He is a boy, Fany. He hasn't really became a man."
"He is really matured for his age."
"That's because he is being cautious with you around. Look!"
Taeyeon and Yuri are chasing each other as they run to the canteen to meet the girls. "Gosh.." Tiffany slapped her forehead at the sudden embarrassment of her boyfriend and his bestfriend.
"Hey girls! Sica, this is for you. Taeyeon wanted to steal it from me earlier on." Yuri handed Jessica a beautiful pink ribbon hairband.
"That's because Fany said everything pink is hers! How can I let you give Jessica this?!" Taeyeon argued childishly. But this made Tiffany giggled.
"You are so nice, Taetae" Tiffany kissed Taeyeon's cheek as she immediately became a girl who is deeply in love after meeting her couple. "I'm definitely not gonna be as whipped as you." Jessica muttered to herself.
"Thank you." Jessica said in informal way to Yuri in a very soft tone as soon as he sat beside her. Yuri was shocked at Jessica's behavior. "W-What..?" Yuri stutters.
"I said thank you, oppa."
Yuri dragged Taeyeon aside for an emergency conversation.
"Did she just talk down to me?! SHE CALLED ME OPPA!??! AM I HEARING THINGS TAE?!" Yuri got agitated.
"Soon you will hear, honey." Taeyeon teased his bestfriend and they shared a brotherly hug with Yuri feeling so happy.

You Give Me Butterflies
FanfictionCredits: Dookong http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/110875