"Tae! Tae!!! Get me a towel pls? I've forgotten to bring in one.." Tiffany was taking a shower after waking up. The couple slept in each other's arms and cuddled the whole night. No, sadly they did not have sex, yet. Tiffany is still in shock of what happened last night.
"Tae? Tae~~~"
"Urgg.. what?!" Taeyeon finally woke up and rubbed his eyes cutely like a baby. "Could you lend me a towel?"
"There is one in the third drawer.." Taeyeon said lazily with his eyes closed.
"Tae.. bring it to me." Tiffany blushed all of the sudden. How could Taeyeon just ask her to take it herself when she is wet and naked in the bathroom. "argh.. coming~" Taeyeon dragged his feet as if he is carrying a ton weight on his legs. "Open up.."
Tiffany slightly opened and peeped to see Taeyeon holding the towel with his lazy eyes.
"Ooof!" Taeyeon slipped on the mat and pushed the bathroom door open. That startled Tiffany who backed away and..
Taeyeon and Tiffany froze.
Taeyeon grabbed hold of himself by the sink. Tiffany stood beside the shower hose.
They stare at each other.
Taeyeon suddenly gulped at what he saw.
Tiffany's body heated up and her face flushed with embarrassment. "TAE!" Tiffany cried as she snatched the towel that is still in Taeyeon's hand away and pushed him out immediately.
Taeyeon stood outside while Tiffany already slammed the door shut.
"W-What.. what is .. that?" Taeyeon muttered. His eyes are now wide opened after that.
Tiffany came out a while later to see Taeyeon still standing outside the door. She looked back at the ground, still embarrassed of what happened. She slowly made her way pass Taeyeon, to the mini sofa and take a seat. She nervously took the towel around her neck and mess her hair, covering her face. Taeyeon finally snapped out of it and walk towards Tiffany while swallowing many empty lumps in his throat. He didn't know why his heart is still beating so fast and his stomach is acting weird.
"S-Sorry.." Taeyeon said softly but Tiffany heard him.
Tiffany blushed even harder. "Mmm.." She just replied.
"Fany, I'm really really really!"
"I know, Tae." Tiffany finally looked at Taeyeon to calm the boy. Taeyeon furrowed his eyebrows and take a seat beside the girl. He gently took Tiffany's hand and kiss the back of her palm. "I love you and I've no other motive I swear."
"I believe you.. Why are you acting so serious, Tae? You're not helping me to stop blushing.." Tiffany slapped her face with her other hand available.
"Okay!" Taeyeon suddenly brightened up the atmosphere with his dorky face and gave Tiffany a quick peck before hugging the girl by the side tightly. "Ahhh!! Tae!" Tiffany frowned but smiles after Taeyeon break the tight hug which almost suffocates her and pinch the boy's cute nose.
"You're really naughty."
Everything seems to be so fun in the house with just the two of them. However, Tiffany got a call interrupting their fun.
Tiffany laughed and chuckled at Taeyeon's joke as she slowly take her phone from the couch and read the caller ID. It's her father. She immediately put a finger on her lips to make sure Taeyeon does not get expose over the line.
"Hello? Dad?"
"Dad? What's wrong? Your voice.."
Tiffany heard a loud breath shaking. She felt uneasy. "Dad, what happen?"
"Your.. Your.. mum.."
"mum..?" Tiffany's tears gushed to her eyes and her heart started pumping faster than ever. Her voice came out shaky. "I-I.. I will go to the hospital now." Tiffany immediately end the call and ran out of the house. Taeyeon overheard Tiffany's conversation, also swiftly grabbed his car keys and chased the girl. "Fany get in!"
Taeyeon sped all the way to the hospital. He make sure to stay focus from dangers and also steal quick glances to ensure Tiffany's not feeling uncomfortable with the speed of the car. But Tiffany didn't stop her tears. She kept crying without even knowing a reason. She cried as if something bad is going to happen. She sobbed and buried her head in her knees up on the seat. Taeyeon frowned, worried. "Fany.. everything is gonna be alright. I'll be here with you no matter what. Okay?" He could only turn his head for a shortwhile while driving. His both hands are on the steering wheel, holding him back from caressing her soft hands and wiping off her tears. His heart sank to see Tiffany in this state.
Once they reach the hospital Tiffany spammed the lift button but the lift didn't come soon. She wiped her tears and dashed to the nearest stairs. "Fany!" Taeyeon was shocked that Tiffany was kind of acting rashly. He is so worried that Tiffany might fall from running or something.
"DAD!" Tiffany dashed towards her father and then immediately opened the door of her mother's ward. She saw the scene that she has never imagined would happen. Her mother is covered by the blanket. The monitor has stopped. Michelle is sobbing at the corner of the room. "Mum.."
Tiffany's tears fall ten times faster. Her vision became so blur but she wiped it away.
She kneel on the ground and grabbed the hand of her mother under the blanket. "O-Omma.."
"OM..MA!!!" Tiffany jumped and burst out crying. Hugging her mother. She didn't want them to part so fast. Tiffany has not even graduate. She has so many things to tell her mother. "Omma...ma.." She moaned loudly as if she could wake her mother up by her loud wailing.
She suddenly calmed down and slowly pull down the blanket, revealing her mother face. Once again she break down and caressed her mother's face. "om..omma.. why.. wh-why did you.. you l-leave me.. alone? I-.. I.. can't." Tiffany didn't know what to say.
Taeyeon stopped chasing the girl after he saw her running towards her father. He felt guilty to not being able to be there to show his love and concern when Tiffany needs him. He is at no choice since they could not reveal their relationship yet. Taeyeon went over to the corner and keep a lookout from afar.
He saw Tiffany's father crying and banging his fist on the wall.
He could even hear cries from the room. It's Tiffany's.
His heart shattered.
He knew what happened.
Unknowingly he cried as well.
He clasped his hands together and closed his eyes, letting the tear drop.
"Fany omma.. Rest in peace.."

You Give Me Butterflies
FanfictionCredits: Dookong http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/110875