Chapter 63

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The two girls stared at the screen blankly.

"L-Look.. his song is out on Itunes." Jessica stuttered.

Tiffany moved the mouse over and clicked to listen the song that is just released.

She listened to the lyrics carefully and a tear starts to roll down her cheeks.

Could it be her? Did Taeyeon think of her when he sang this song?

"Tiff.. maybe we should tell the rest about this."

"You can tell them about it.. Let's just take out our cupcakes from the oven now." Tiffany walked to the oven and was about to pull the tray out.


"Ahhh!!!! ssstt." Tiffany screamed and winced in pain. She forgot her gloves before putting her hand in the oven. "Oh my god! Quick! Where is the cream?!"

The girls went to the couch and sit.

Jessica looked at Tiffany who has her eyes aimlessly looking on the floor. She gently applied the cream for her best friend. "Don't be so careless next time.. You could hurt yourself more if you are not.. in the right mind." Jessica said. She knew Tiffany is being distracted with her thoughts of Taeyeon again.

"I.. I'm sorry. I'm just.."

Jessica continued and wrapped the wound with the bandage carefully. "Why are you apologizing? Tiff.. I just want you to take good care of yourself. I know Taeyeon is constantly crossing your mind.. But.."

"Jess, you don't know how I feel." Tiffany cut her words.

"I know! I'm your best friend I know!"

"You know.. I can't just forget about Taeyeon.. Forget about us! I just can't! What do you want me to do?! I'm already trying! I'm trying to forget him, hate him! But I just can't!!!" Tiffany breaks down after venting all her emotions to her best friend. She sobs and hugged Jessica tightly. Her best friend cried together with her.


"We have here with us, our just debuted Kim Tae Yeon! WOO!" Shin Dong introduced the shy boy who sat beside him. Taeyeon nervously rubbed his hands and moved his head nearer to the mic,

"Hi everyone, I'm Kim Taeyeon."

"Taeyeon here is from SM Entertainment as well. He is our company's new ballad solo PRINCE! I've saw him practicing in the studio before, his live voice was debak!"

Taeyeon blushed at the compliment that is not scripted. "Thank you sunbae nim."

"You could drop the formalities with me already! We're gonna be DJ partners for Friday nights soon!"

"Really? So I could call you Hyung?"

"Yeah! I'm happy to call you my dongsaeng as well. Hahaha! Anyway, Taeyeon ah, since I've told everyone about your wonderful voice, shall we hear you live?"

"Sure.. I'm ever ready to sing."

"Hahaha that's great! Let's take a minute before we hear 'The Hardest Thing' from Taeyeon!"


"Oh great! Traffic Jam! The icings on the cupcake is gonna melt by the time I give it to seobang!"

Jessica slammed the steering wheel. She drove instead of Tiffany because of her scalded hand.

"Calm down.." Tiffany rolled her eyes and carefully meddle with her injured hand before changing the radio channel. "Let's just hear some music okay.."

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