Hayeon skipped her way home and was about to use the keys to open the door but to find out that the door wasn't lock. She took a peep and slowly walked in. As she walked to the couch where kissing sound could be heard, "Oh my god.." she saw Tiffany's top is showing off her belly and her brother's hands are on her ass with the tight grip. "HOLY SHIT!" Taeyeon quickly took his hands off Tiffany and the girl jumped off Taeyeon. "Oh no.." Tiffany covered her face and started blushing madly. She quickly made her way to the toilet at the kitchen as she fix her clothes.
"Oppa, what the hell is going on?!"
"PLEASE DO not have sex here! IN THE LIVING ROOM!"
Taeyeon blinked his eyes uncontrollably, "N-NO! W-WE ARE NOT!"
"Remind me again. Where are your hands?" Hayeon folded her arms and teased her brother.
"Enough!" Taeyeon's red face couldn't hide from his sister which made her laugh uncontrollably as she kneel on the floor and hold on to her stomach. "Seriously.." Taeyeon rolled his eyes and slowly limbed his way back to his room.
"If he wasn't injured. I swear I would come home and saw them naked!" Hayeon said to no one but that makes her imagine about the scene and laughed even more.
"I'm back!" Jisook came back to see Hayeon laughing. "What is so funny, Hayeon ah?"
"Oh no I can't tell you! It's rated." Hayeon laughed again.
"Oh hi." Jisook smiled as she saw Tiffany came out from the kitchen. The girl who still has her face blushed like a red tomato slightly smile back to the girl who greeted her. Tiffany was planning to walk upstairs to avoid Hayeon but Jisook ran all the way upstairs shouting, "Taengoo!!!"
That gave Tiffany a shock.
"What is she trying to do? Is she blind that I'm here. DOES SHE KNOW WHO IS TAEYEON'S GIRLFRIEND?! - Tiffany thought as jealousy came again.
"Really?! HAHAHA! That was great." Taeyeon's trademark laughter filled the floor.
"I know right!" Jisook commented and laughed with him.
Tiffany's frown got deeper and deeper when she heard it. "I still remember how we would kiss other people in the club when we were together."
"We are drunk!" Taeyeon replied.
Tiffany couldn't stand it anymore, she opened Taeyeon's room door and slam hit hard.
"Hi. What did I miss?" Tiffany sent a fake smile to Jisook but a hidden glare at Taeyeon who gulped at the sight of jealous Fany.
"Er.. Jisook and I were just.." Taeyeon hesitated.
"Recalling our memories! Good old times together." Jisook cheered with oblivious with the girl beside her staring into her soul.
"NONONO!" Taeyeon tried his best to stand up but fall on the bed. Jisook who saw that, immediately tried to grab on to Taeyeon but she fell with him. "Ooof!" Taeyeon had Jisook on top of him.
Tiffany on the other hand had her mouth wide opened and frowned started to get deeper as she look at the scene. She immediately grabbed onto Jisook's arm and threw her back away from Taeyeon. "STAY AWAY!"
Jisook had her back banged against Taeyeon's wardrobe."Oww!" Jisook shouted as she dropped on the floor immediately. Tiffany flustered at the moment. She didn't meant to hurt her.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry."
"What is wrong with you?!" Jisook snapped at her as she had one hand supporting her sprained back.
"FANY! That's too much!" Taeyeon shouted and immediately crawled to the floor and caressed the girl's cheek. "Are you okay?"
"I'm alright."
"Does your back.."
"I'm fine, Taengo. You better rest. I'll take my leave." Jisook looked down as she left the room.
"What the fuck! Tiffany Hwang! Why did you get so physical?!" Taeyeon immediately flared up when Jisook left.
"Did you just scolded me with vulgarity? JUST BECAUSE OF HER?!" Tiffany asked in disbelief. Unknowingly a tear rolled down her cheeks.
"I just don't get it. Why are you behaving like this? Jisook is skinny and fragile and yet you.."
Taeyeon flinched, Tiffany has never been so angry before. "F-Fany.. I-I didn't.. say that."
"Your body language says it all!" Tiffany paused and hit the wardrobe beside her, "SHIT! I GIVE UP." Tiffany raised her both hands and ran out of the house. "FANY!" Taeyeon couldn't chased the girl with his physical difficulties now. He just had to breakdown on his bed alone.
Taeyeon has been thinking in his room these two days. Neither one made a move.
"Should I..? Maybe she is still angry with me? Oh boy I just screwed it." Taeyeon did these for the whole time when he is thinking about the girl.
A knock came on the door. Taeyeon bolted up from his sleeping position, "Fany?"
"No. It's me."
"Oh hey, is your back alright?"
"I'm fine." Jisook smiled and sat beside Taeyeon.
"You always say you're fine. Even when your back got worse and you were admitted to the hospital."
"That's years ago, Taeng. I'm recovering."
"That's why I'm worried! You're recovering yet that incident.."
"She didn't use a lot of force."
"You're lying. I saw that. She has never used so much force before."
Jisook sighed, "I know she hates me."
Taeyeon flinched, Tiffany definitely dislike her going near her boyfriend but he didn't want to spoil the girl's relationship.
"She.. she don't. Why would she?"
"Because I'm stealing her boyfriend."
"You're not. I will tell her this. She is just being ridiculous. It's common to be friends with your ex still. She hasn't been to any relationship before. I hope you can understand."
"Taeyeon.. I'm not sure if you're being naïve or really oblivious.
The truth is, yes she is right.
I want to steal you away from her."

You Give Me Butterflies
FanfictionCredits: Dookong http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/110875