6: Mystery Rehpic

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"Dipping sauce!" I heard Mabel screech, "Where are you gonna sleep?"

"I...I hadn't thought of that. I'll go find the old cot. I think Stan kept it."

With that, I sifted through the storage room, dusted off the cot when I found it, and let Mabel put sheets and blankets on it.

"Crap," I said, "forgot."

"Forgot what Bro?"

"I forgot...Belle's still wearing my hat."

Belle woke up. "Guys? I co-could sleep in the cot if you wa-want m-me to."

"Nah. Dip's got it."

"Okay. How long do you think the cut will take to heal?" Belle asked, sweetly.

"Um...we don't know." Mabel replied.

"Oh." Was Belle's response. She smiled sweetly. Belle was cute in my hat. I mean, the way her hair falls from brunette to gold is just....wait...what am I thinking? I just met her!

"Dipper. DIPPER!"

"Um...erm....lost i-in th-thought?"

Belle was already asleep.

"Night Dipper."

"Night Mabel."

Belle's P.O.V.

As I fell asleep, I was involuntarily sucked into a grey area. "What do you want, Cipher?"

"Haven't figured it out yet, Triangle?"

"Thought I was Flame." I stated.

"No! Only called you flame because of the circus!"

"Haven't figured what out yet, anyway?"

"I can't tell you that!"

"B-Bill. I think we need to revise our deal. I...I can't kill Pine--I mean, Dipper and Mabel."

"Why not, Triangle?" His human form pouted.

"Murdering Mabel would Devastate Dipper. Also, I will not kill Dipper."

"Oh Triangle. Fine. I only need one of the zodiac dead anyway. Go ahead. Pick a symbol." A wheel appeared in front of me.

"I tap one?"


I tapped the....the....the Triangle.

"What? You can't kill yourself Triangle! Immortality is given to you!"

"Then you'll have to revive me to make me immortal." I grabbed his hand.

I growled, animal like, "Deal's off, Brother."

I woke up. Sweat covered my body and nightmares plagued my head. I barely remembered what happened. I know I broke the deal with Bill, though. I whimpered.

"Belle! What's wrong?" I heard Dip's voice ask.

My eyes slated over, filled with a tiny bit of new knowledge. "Give me your journal, Dipper Pines," I said with no emotion in my voice.

Then in a fearful voice, "Dipper! Please. I have something to show you and something to add!"

"O-okay." He handed me a leather bound book with a six-fingered hand holding the number 3 on top.

I opened it to Bill's page. "He's been plaguing my dreams and attempting to make a deal with me. He calls me Triangle."


"I've been...added to the zodiac. I need a pen. He showed me the new zodiac."

Dipper handed me a pen and I scribbled in a new page, after checking it with a black light, the new zodiac. It went:

Shooing Star
Ice Bag
Question Mark
Eye'd Star (Gideon's symbol)
Six Fingers
Stitched Heart
It held a picture of two overlapping triangles in the middle.

"Wow. Wait, where's McGucket?" Dipper asked.

"Glasses? He's not on the new one."


"Can I sketch a form of Bill's in here?"

"Thought he was only a corn chip."

I laughed, waking Mabel up. "Nah, he's got a human form. He went as Billy Mischief."

"Who did?" Mabel inquired.

"Cipher." I reply.


"Mabel, do you-?" Dipper asked her.

She sighed, defeated. "Yeah."

"Well.." I said, and blushed because I hadn't realized how close Dipper and I were sitting on his bed. He realized the same and scooted away.

I grabbed a pencil off of Dipper's night stand and sketched in his form. It took a half hour, and not five minutes in, I felt a head on my shoulder.

Pretty soon, I was done, so I woke Dipper up and got him to his cot, and fell asleep myself.

Dipper's P.O.V.

I stretched, and got up. As I saw Belle the events from yesterday flooded back.

Oh yeah, Bill Cipher. Is Billy Mischief. Whom my sister has a crush on, I thought. Wait...Bill Cipher, Belle Rehpic? Reverse Cipher and its...oh no. No no no no no. This can't be happening.

"Good morning Dipper!" I heard Belle say as she waited for Mabel to make breakfast for us. Mabel is an amazing chef.

"Morning Belle."

"So, what's up?"

"Nothing. Did Bill give you nightmares?"

"Nope! I think he wants me to make that deal so badly, he won't give me nightmares!"

"So," I blushed, "wanna go on a Mystery Hunt today?"

"Sure. With Mabes?"

"Yup." I said, popping the 'p'.

Mabel came in, set some plates down, and we ate.

When we were done, Belle said, "Mabel. Guess what we're doing today."

I cut in, "Mystery Hunt! Mystery Hunt!" And they both chanted with me.

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