9: I Can't Tell You, But I'm Will

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Belle's P.O.V.

"DIPPER!" I screamed.

"Dipper..." I sat down on a random rock in those woods and sobbed. I couldn't find him, and I needed his help.

The world suddenly went greyscale. Oh god. Not now.

"Go Away, Bill." Now that my eyes had adjusted, I noticed the world had a blue tint.

"Not Bill, Belle." A weird--new voice said.

"Then who?"

"Look," a mysterious seemingly blue version of Bill came out of the shadows, "B-Bill is gonna....gonna do some b-bad th-things soon. J-just b-b-be r-rea-ready."

"I will. What do they call you, Blueberry?"

"William Cipher. Belle, don't you remember me?"

"I've never met you, William. Hey, can I call you Will? Easier to say."

"B-belle. Yes." He started sobbing, crying, and floated down from where he was.

I went over and hugged him. "I promise Will, I will remember. Please don't cry..."

He kept crying, until suddenly, his head snapped up.

"Master is Calling for me. I must g-go."

And with that, he vanished and the world gained color.

"Belle!" I hear two voices calling at once. I, dazed, didn't respond. I walked towards the voices until I came upon a grove. It seemed to have mirrors...everywhere.

Will. He stayed on my mind. Poor guy...he's like the exact opposite of me and Bill! Wait. Me and Bill? Nah. I'm nothing like that demon.  Why would I even think that?

A sharp pain shot through my head. A memory appeared.

Belle's P.O.V.

"Will! Stop being such a cry baby!" A younger Bill's voice rang out.

"Bill. Don't be rude." That was me.

Will is sobbing in the blue half of the playroom, and Bill and I stuck on the yellow half. A girl enters the blue half, close to tears.

"Willow! What's wrong?" I ask the blue-headed girl, Willow.

"Don't ask them what's wrong. Their ALWAYS crying!" Bill stated.

"But...but their my blueberries. I know their younger than us, but their still family!" I yelled at Bill.


"Yeah Will?"

"Come play with us?"


Willow tossed me a pair of shoes, surrounded by yellow flames. I put them on and trekked onto the blue half of the room, towards my younger siblings.

Back in the Present

Oh god. That explains everything.

I look into one of the mirror-like stones, to see a triangle, much like Dippers' dipper, on my forehead.

I scream.

"Belle? Mabel, she's this way!" I hear Dipper yell.

I quickly cover up my new mark with my hair, and fall back asleep, exhausted.

Dipper's P.O.V.

I hear a scream. "Belle? Mabel, she's this way!" I head towards the glass cave, where the fairies used to live until Soos killed the last one.

Mabel and I come upon the cave, and I see Belle, fast asleep. There's not too much daylight left, so I should wake her up.

I tap her shoulder. Mabel shakes her. She won't wake up.

"Dip. She told me she had 24 hours, as of 10 this morning. She has to wake up. Has to."

"Yeah. She must've made a deal."



I lift her, and carry sleeping Belle back to the shack, and lay her on my bed.

"Ha!" Mabel laughs.

"What's so funny, Mabel?"

"This is just like a mash up of Beauty and the Beast and Sleepin Beauty."

"I don't get it." I never payed attention to those Disney Movies.

"One, she's a beauty, in your eyes," Mabel elbows me lightly, "Two, her name is Belle, like Belle from Beauty and the Beast, and three, Sleeping Beauty was cursed to sleep."

I realized that that had made sense. "Oh. What woke Sleeping Beauty up? Maybe it'll work now," I say, hopeless on how to wake Belle up.

"True.." Mabel starts and pauses for a dramatic effect, "loves'," she pauses again. Crap. I know where this is going. "Kiss," Mabel finishes.

"Not happening Mabel."  I go and sit at the end of my bed, and set my head against the wall.

Belle looks so peaceful in her sleep.

I chat with Mabel for a few minutes more and look at Belle again.

She stirred slightly.

"Mabel." I say, getting her attention. "MABEL!"

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