23: Meditating Little Brother

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Belle's POV

I entered my clearing to find...William...meditating. On. My. Getup. For. Meditation.

I knew he couldn't be disturbed, but I knew this is the only place I can meditate.

So, little bro. On my set up. Fine then. Where else to go? What else to do?

I'll go check on Dipper I guess.

Hey, Bea!

Not you again.

Yup! You know, since your an angel, I'm not a demon anymore! I'm just INSANE!

I clutched my head in pain of how loud she was being.

Shut up. You're too loud. It hurts.

But pain is funny!

Not to all of us.

Okay then! Now...



Don't keep secrets.

I was halfway to where I sensed Dipper's presence.

Fine! So, you know how Pinetree and Shooting Star are demons now?

Yeah. I know what you know. But we pull up different thoughts and memories.

Oh no. No no no!




"DEMON SIDE!!!" I shouted.

A rustling noise sounded in the trees. The insane side of me was first to react, so she got control.

"Pinetree. Hello!"

"Hey Bea!" A voice shouted from above me.

"Don't call me Bea. I'm Belle. Or DeCiphered one. Okay?"


No! Don't listen to her!


Using this opportunity, I took over. The sane side.

"Sorry Dipper. I...I need to warn you of--"


"Um...call me Belle or Bea. And anyway, um. You have a sane side and a--"

Something pressed against my throat, squeezing my windpipe.

"Shut up."

Dipper... That's not Dipper. His bad side needs a name though....

My thoughts were fading in and out...

My breaths were non-existent.




There was nothingness. A void. I felt...nothing.

I was...

I was...gone.

(:I was gonna leave it at that...MWAHAHAHA!

But I'm not. I'll keep going for you, Readers. I'm sorry that I didn't end on the cliffhanger of a lifetime! MWAHAHAHA!! I'll shut up. Anyway---back to the story!:)

Bill's POV


My head snapped up, my sister, Belle, had called for me.

"I'm sorry Hex, but I must take my leave. We will discuss this later." I said.

"But Bill!"


With that, I opened a portal, only a mile away from my sister. She was always the more accurate one with the Portal-Making thing.

I jumped through it, the queasiness finally not getting to me for once.

I was back. In. Gravity Falls.

I'll think of plans later. Now...

I snapped my fingers.


I was welcomed to the sight of the legendary...the strongest demon...Alcor. Alcor Cipher. Strangling my sister.

I only recognized the power wave I learned to identify from reading.

In an instant Belle was unconscious on the floor.

A knife appeared in his hand, he was going to kill Belle. Stab her beating demon-angel heart.

My other half. Without her, I'd be only half of a dynamic duo.

But you'd get her powers---you don't need--

Not now! I know you're in control most of the time, but NOT NOW!

"ALCOR CIPHER! WHAT THE HELL?" I shouted, not caring if I was safe.

He threw fire at me, I didn't dare attack. I simply dodged his attack.

I only did this because:

A) Alcor is WAY more powerful than I could ever dream of being. Hell, he's even more powerful than Satan himself!

And B) I noted it was Pinetree. Just his....demon side.

Alcor kept attacking, I kept dodging. I ended up with a large gash on my side, my favorite yellow eyepatch burnt off, and a large burn on my hip.

My demon side was right about one thing-PAIN WAS A GREAT FEELING!

Anyway, well, Alcor, he.... Well, he was on the ground.

Not moving.

Did I kill an all-powerful all-mighty crazed....Multiverse Demon?

I rushed over to my unconscious sister, and brought her close to Alcor. I didn't want to, but it was necessary. I snapped my fingers and both of them were teleported to the Mystery Shack, in their respective sleeping locations. I had teleported with them.

I made sure Pinetree was tied down, tightly enough where if he woke as Alcor Cipher, he wouldn't be able to escape, or, if he woke as Dipper Pines, he'd be able to get out.

I made sure Belle was safe, and wouldn't worry if she woke.

Time to go check on Mabel Pines.

Time to go see if Stella Cipher has awoken.

Time to go and probably get myself killed.

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