20: Glowing Hands and Reprimands

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Belle's P.O.V.

I thought they wouldn't get any powers.

Boy was I wrong. The very next day I found Mabel floating in the living room.

(:Flashback to that day when she saw Mabel....floating:)

"Hey Mabes!" I was soooo happy she was alive again. I wasn't going to tell Mason. Ever.

I ran into the living room to watch Ducktective with Mabel. I mean, a girls gotta catch up on her television.

"Belle, why can I do this?" She had asked, and floated up into the air.

"That circle thing yesterday. Um, I kinda split my powers up. Looks like you got a core power! And...my feet are dead now. I floated everywhere before....basically. Now I'm grounded."

"Oh. Okay!" She exclaimed cheerfully.

We went back to watching Ducktective.

After a while, I got bored and went to check on Dipper.

Before I got in his line of vision, I heard him say, "Greetings Belle deCipher."

"Hey Dip!" If he got the 6th sense then he got deal making. Crap. That means he and Mabel together could go into the Mindscape.

"Ah...want to make a..."

"Deal? No. I want my abilities back and not to be a Cipher. I hate not floating."

"What'll you do for me if I grant you the power to float?"

I forgot to mention, the powers of the twins is drawn from a big well, and with a deal they can grant power from the infinity of it.

"I did give you these powers. How about I allow you to keep them?"


"I let you keep the powers and you give me the power to optionally float 24/7 the rest of my existence. On my choice."

I grabbed his hand before he could say anything. Non-hurting blue flame crawled up our entwined hands and onto our arms.

I started to float. "YES!"

"Well, any other powers you want?"

"Deal-Making and Power granting. That's it."

"Ah, here your are." He placed his thumb on my forehead and I felt a rush of power run through me.

(: Back to the future...jk not really. Anyway. Back to right after the first time skip? Now I'm confusing myself. Ah, whatever!:)

I was still a deCipher. Just got a few powers.

Ya know?

"DECIPHER!" I heard from upstairs. Sh---I mean, crap.

I ran up the stairs as fast as demonly...wait....I suppose....humanly possible?


Anyway, when I got into the attic bedroom, where the voice came from, I froze.

No way.

My power was that strong? Now I wish I never gave it away.

Allowing two HUMANS to do that?

They must've had some sort of power from being on the wheel originally.

"Mason and Mabel Pines, what the hell?"

"Greetings deCiphered one."

"H-hello B-Belle. A l-l-little..." She broke off into a coughing fit.

I grabbed Mabel and hefted her over my back. I used floatation to bring her over to the bathroom.

I put her in the bathtub and turned on the water, as fast as it would flow.

"Mabel, put your face under the faucet."

She did. Color returned to her dry skin, and moisture did too. I took her shredded skirt off of her and shut the bathroom door.

"Mabel, what in God's name were you thinking?!?!" Wait. I said God. That means.....

"I was daydreaming and started choking on air. I don't know why I'm like this!"

"Mabel," I said quietly, "A deCiphered demon is an angel."


"I'm a mother--"I choked," I mean, I'm a freaking ANGEL! That means I can shape shift!"

"That great!" Mabel said.

"Wait. No it's not. I want to be a demon again. So that there's no rules and no restrictions."

"Ah, you'll be fi---" Mabel was cut off by a scream.

"Mason!" I yelled, and ran to the other room, away from the pink mermaid that was Mabel.

"Belle! What am I? What's happening?"

"Mason...I mean....it's going to be okay."

A cervituar stood in the middle of the room, who had a mop of brown hair, brown eyes, and a Pinetree Hat. Half deer. Half Dipper.

"Belle! Help me!"

"I could...."


"But you're too cute this way, Deerper!"

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