22: Mabel? Mabel!

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Belle's POV

I watched her trying, struggling to get out of the water. Excuse my French, but shit.

She wasn't a mermaid anymore.

"Oh, hello Belle! Can I have some help leaving the water? It hurts!"

"Well. Um. Yeah...." I pulled her out.

"Now DONT spread your wings unless you want this whole place to burn.

"Awww," she said with disappointment lacing her voice, "but it's so uncomfortable."

"Yeah. Let's fix that... Now. What were you doing when you changed?"

"Imagining myself as a mermaid then as fire."

"Oh. This is a little bit more difficult than Mason. Just think of being natural, 100% of what you are."

"Oh, and Belle?" Mabel questioned.


"Why do you call my brother Mason?"

"It's his real name." And as an angel I can't call him anything else unless he requests me to.

Mabel looked like she was thinking really hard, trying not to be in the form of a fire angel.

And all of a sudden, POOF! Not really, I'm just a bit delusional. Suicidal, murderous, insane, etc.

Anyway, Mabel had turned back...but kept transforming. Much like her brother did. He might've gained an inch, but she lost two inches.

I shielded my eyes and offered the clothes to her. I felt the weight leave my hand and I put my hand down, as she got dressed.

"Belle, I'm good!"

"Okay..." I got a good look at her. She came up to my nose now, where before, we were the same hight. If I was normally standing, that is.

Mabel seemed more lean, more fit almost. You could almost feel the power radiating off of her like light radiates off the sun.

I could only stop and stare. I was stunned.

I don't even know.

The only flaw about her was, if you consider scars flaws, which I consider wounds that show you've lived, a large scar slashed across her collar bone and somewhat on her neck.



"Stop staring..."

"Oh. Sorry. I was just...you look so different. And now Mason's taller than you by at least three inches."


I heard the door creak open and the tallish Pinetree came in.

"Belle. Do a hight comparison..." Mabel begged.

I sighed. This was pointless. It should be obvious to Mabel that Dipper is taller.

"Stand back to back."

They stood back to back, and I held my hand on Mabels' head and one on Masons'. They stepped away.

"What? No way he's taller!"

"Face the facts, Mabel. Mason is just taller." I took my hands down and put them by my sides.

"Belle, why don't you call me Dipper, or Pinetree even?"

"Angels must be requested to call someone by a name that's not their given one. It's the rule."

"Then I request that you have free reign over nicknames for me, and not to call me by my real name."

"Yes sir, Pinetree!" I joked.

Mabel and Dipper both cracked identical smiles, tinged with a slight, very small bit of insanity.

"I'm going to go exploring," Dipper announced, and he took off.

"I'm gonna go bedazzle some sweaters!" And there went Mabel.

"I guess I'll just go try to become a Fallen One again," I muttered, and took off to a clearing in the forest where I set up a barrier to keep everyone out except me, and a meditating getup.

So so sorry for the SHORT CHAPTER! *whimpers and cries like Will Cipher would*

Speaking of him, where is he? I totally forgot about him! I'll tell you where he's been---he's meditating. Has been this whole time! XD I'm so sorry I forgot to include that!

If it makes you feel any better, my sister is forcing me to put my home screen in a chapter, and I've chosen this one! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

Here you go, and take a virtual cookie!

*gives reader virtual cookie*


Again, sister is forcing me to! I feel sorry that I keep rambling

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Again, sister is forcing me to! I feel sorry that I keep rambling. Take another cookie.

*gives you another cookie*

In fact, wait. What was I saying?

Never mind! If I forgot, it can't be to important. Can it? Maybe? Probably not.

I'm going to release you now!

Remember, Reality Is An Illusion, Rgw Ybucweaw Ua L Gikifeln, Buy Gold BYE!!!

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