30: Weirdmaggedon Part Two

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Belle's POV

No Dipper.

That means...

"NOOOOOO! Where is he, WHERE!?" I screamed, shaking the whole residence with just my voice.

I must've covered my body with blue flame unknowingly, judging by the shocked faces staring at me.

A hand was placed on my shoulder. It broke me away from my current state, and the flames disappeared.

"She's a demon and must be working with Bill! Mabel, get away!" An old mans' voice called out. I didn't acknowledge at the time, that it was Fez who spoke.

Someone dragged Mabel away, and her hand left my shoulder.

Again, Fez spoke, "Tie her up! We need answers!"

I didn't resist as they dragged me. I felt...defeated.

Dipper was taken. Who knows what torture he could be going through? What pain, punishment for crimes he didn't commit?

The room I now finally noticed I was in, was an interrogation room of sorts.

Fez sat in the seat across the table, and a manotuar guarded the door.

"What are Bills' plans?" Fez asked me harshly.

I didn't speak.

"Answer me!"

I couldn't speak. Dipper could be dead for all I know! He and Mabel are only half-immortal, thus they're half mortal as well!

"Dammit Belle answer me!"

"He..."I was choking on my own words, "He has...he caught...he has him..." My words were whispered, almost undetectable.

"Who has who?"

"He has him. Bill has...Bill caught...." With a sudden burst of strength I didn't know I had in me, I shouted.


I broke down crying.

"Alcor..?" Fez sounded confused.

I sent him a message through the mind, I couldn't speak between my sobs, and I couldn't wipe my tears or cover my face because my hands were handcuffed to the chair I was in.

B-Bill...has Alcor Cipher hostage...he has Dipper hostage.

The old man looked surprised.

Don't believe me? Talk to Stella about it...I mean, Mabel.

He let me free realizing I was on their side.

Fez guided me upstairs to the first floor, and brought me to Stella.

"Belle!" She brought me into a hug, "What's wrong?"

"Mabel," Fez intruded, "is it true? Does Bill have Dipper hostage?"

"Yeah, it is. If he's not here," Mabel replied to him, her face sullen.

"Grunkle Stan?"

"Yeah pumpkin?"

"I need to tell you that the weirdness barrier set up last year doesn't work anymore. Belle was able to get through because Dipper and I originally let her through."

"Then how do you know it doesn't work?"

"I was able to get through."

An audible gasp! was heard from everyone, who had been eavesdropping on them.

I finally stopped crying an wiped my face clean with magic.

I stood up.

"It's true, everyone. Mabel isn't actually Mabel Pines. Just like Dipper isn't Dipper Pines."

"I'm Stella Cipher!" Mabel said, while making a ring of purple flame around her. The flames made the shapes on her summoning wheel. She doused them with a move of her hand.

"Dipper is Alcor Cipher, also known as the most powerful being alive. The only issue is that he hasn't trained enough to have mastered his powers, and he's not as strong as Bill yet. Nor is Stella, the dream demon."

Even the monsters knew what I was saying.

"We must form a plan to save Dipper from Bill's clutches! Alcor is on our side! And together, I'm sure we can defeat Bill for good!" I shouted, finishing off my terrible inspirational speech.

We needed to make a plan.

And fast, before anything happens to Alcor.

I had already started to formulate one in my head.


I'm trying to show you another side of everyone, if Al--I mean, Dipper isn't there!

Yes, this counts as a short chapter, so be warned! More short chapters yet to be written!

See you soon, my puppets!


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