Meeting new people

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Somebody spilled their lunches all over the girls.


KayKay P.O.V-

We turned around to see it was Star, Beauty, Babydoll, and Ki'loni. Their all on the cheerleading squad. And Star's the Captain. I hate cheerleading with a passion so i dont really give 2 flying fucks anyway.

Star- Ha are you guys okay *mocking us* hahahaha

Me- Y'all have exactly-

Courtney- 2.1 mutha-

Michaela- fuckin seconds-

Sydney- before we beat-

Sydni- every single one of y'all asses

Beauty- Y'all gone do-*gco*

Courtney-*repeatably punching her in the face*

Star- *gets tackled by Michaela*

Babydoll- *gets tackled by both the sydni/sydneys tackle her*

I tried stayin calm and shit.

Ki'loni- ha you too we-*gco by Me tackling her*

We was beatin they asses but the boys dragged us off of them before we caused "anymore damage". Should'nt have messed with me.

The bell rings and we go to my fave class. MUSIC CLASSSSS (thts really true)

Ms.Bey- Ayye everybody!! So I'm going to assaign you parterns and you two have to either sing a song in front of the class or remake an old song or sing a regular song here are your parterns





Sydney/Lil Twist


I zoned out the rest. WHO IN THA ACTUAL FAWK IS JADEN?!?

??- Hi I'm Jaden

😏He actually kinda cute. Imma talk to him

Me- Hola soy KayKay (hi im kaykay)

Jaden- What

Me- Yo no hablo inglés( i dont speak english)

Jaden- Do you even speak english?

Me- yess i speak english

Jaden- good. So what is we doin for the project?

Me- i wanna sing a song by Michael Jackson (i luv mj)

Jaden- that's coo

Me- we can work on it at my house

Jaden P.O.V-

KayKay is kinda cute. She asked me to work on the project with her at her house.

KayKay- Jaden! JADEN!

Me- Yes?!

KayKay- heres my nu-*gco by bell* welp gotta go. Meet me infront of the school

Prince P.O.V-

I GET TO BE PARTNERS WITH RAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! So Ray walked up to me and started talkin.

Ray- Soo what are we doing for the project?

Me- ummm idk what you wanna do?

Ray- Idc. We could just sing Scream and Shout the Remix.

Me- Sure were are we gonna practice at?

Ray- We'll practice at your house


OMG! I just had a full convo with him without blushin and/or blabbing. I heard somebody yelling my name.


Me- Yess! I can hear you

KayKay- Oh okay come on. We aint got all day. We gots dance class.

*at the end of the day*

KayKay P.O.V-

Me, Ray, Prince, Jaden, Sydni, Lil Twist, Michaela, and Sydney all came over to my house. I really dont know why they came but my momma dont care and i really dont give a fuck about what my step daddy has to say. We walk into the house and my momma was surprised at how many kids just walked into her house.

Nicki- Hi KayKay

Me- Hi momma

Nicki-Hi courtney

Courtney- Hello mother

Nicki- Hi Prince, Ray, Sydni, Sydney, And Michaela

Them- Hi Miss Nicki

Prince- Hi

Nicki- Who are they? *pointin to jaden and lil twist*

Me- Thats Jaden and Lil Twist. Jadens my partern for this project.

Sydney- And Lil Twist is mine

Nicki- Hi. I'm Nicki, KayKay, Princeton, and Courtney's mom.

Jaden- You look like Nicki Minaj

Me- Thats because she is

LilTwist- O my god

Me- We'll be upstairs

Nicki- Ok


They ALL walked into my room like t'f.

Me- Why all y'all in my room?


Me- All of y'all have y'all own rooms in this house GO!

Everybody went to their "room"

To be continued........

I need some ideas i aint got none! I need new people for this story. I'm not hatin on the OMG Girls. Its a book.


Buh bye my amazing readers KAYKAY OUT PEACEEE

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