Answers Pt. 2

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Kaylin P.O.V-

It's been 3 weeks since me and Jaden started dating. Me and Roc are cool ,but he has a new girlfriend. her names Nya. We cool at times. I haven't seen Chrestina in about 3 weeks ,and Roc doesn't talk to her. Even though they're twins.

Me- CHRESS!?!?!

Roc- Wtf do you want?!

Me- Where's Chrestina!?!

Roc- Idfk I live with my aunt now remember?!

Aww yeah he did move. (Its after school and they're walking home together)

Sydni- Let's go see if she's okay

Jay- Yeah (changin Courtney ta Jay)

The boys- Sure

Me- What about you Mickey?!

Mickey- idgaf!

Jay- Damn moody ass bitch

We walk to their house and as usual their parents aint there. And we aint got no key.

Ray- Who can pick locks!?!

Me- I CAN!!

I pick the lock and we go inside.

Mickey- Of she would know how to

(I actually do know how to👍)

Me- It smells like somethin died in here!

Ray- Nasty shit!

Prince- Ewww

We walk upstairs and we go into her room. It's stuff all over the floor. We look for her and cant find her.

Jay- Where would she be?!

Me- Bathroom??

We unlock the bathroom door.

Mickey, Ray, Prod and, Sydni-*screams*

Jay- T'F!! CALL 911!!!

I get out my phone and call 911. Roc is cryin and ik why. I pick up this note while waitin on the ambulance people.

Me- Aye I found this note.

Mickey- Read it!

The Note:

Dear Friends and Family,

    I know you guys are probably wondering why I commited suicied. I did it because nobody loves me. My brother neglets me, my friends are ashamed of me, my parents are disgusted of me ,and the love of my life hates me. You guys are probably wondering who the love of my life is........ Well it's Mickey. I loved her ,but she hated me. I'm sorry that I didn't get to say good bye to any of you ,but know that I will; always love you guys no matter what. I know what I did was bad ,but I did it so you guys wouldn't have to deal with me anymore. Now that I'm dead I won't have to go thru the bullying anymore. I love you guys ,but I have to say good bye.




I read it out loud and at that point everybody was in tears. Especially Chres and Mickey. One thing that we never told Chres was that Chrestina was getting bullied by Nya.

Chres- Who would bully her?!

Jay-*mumbles* Nya

Chres- Who?!


Nya's eyes got hella big.

Chres- *looks at Nya* You were one of the reasons my sister commited suicide?!

Nya- *scared* Look C-chres I-I d-din-n't k-know t-that w-was y-your si-sister


He runs out of the house somewhere.

Me-look Bitch I ain't got time for you so get the fuck out now!

Nya leaves crying and yelling.

Prod- I'll go see where Chres is.

He leaves to go find Chres. I hope ain't nothin gone happen.

Mickey- This is all my fault *starts crying again*

Jay- No it's not. I don't think she was thinking when she did it.

Me- I think she was

Sydni- Why?

Me-Because she.........

Prod's P.O.V-

I went looking for Chres ,but I couldn't find him. WHEREW THA FAWK IS THIS BOY AT?!?!?!?!? I just kept walkin until I heard faint crying from under the old willow tree. I go under there and sittin there is Chres. He looks so sad. Awww my baby is sad. Yes I have a crush on Chres. So what?! IDGAF WTF Y'ALL SAY SO STFU TALKIN TO ME AND BE A THIRSTY ASS HOE SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!!

???- Why are you here, Craig?

I know he's upset because he only calls me Craig when he's mad, sad, or upset.

Me-Chres it's okay *sits down and hugs him*

Chres-*cries on shoulder* SHE FUCKIN KILLED HERSELF CRAIG!!!!

Me- Well at least she doesn't have to go thru the torture anymore.

Chres-Your right *smiling*

He looks so sexy when he smiles.

Roc's P.O.V-

I look at Craig. He's always been there for me no matter what. I've started to gain feelings for him. I li- no love him alot. Maybe I should tell him.

Prod- Tell who what?

Me-Omg I was talkin out loud!?!

Prod-Yes you were.

Me- I wanted to tell you t-*gco by Prod kissin him*

I wrap my arms around his waist while he wraps his arms around my neck. We kiss for another 5 minutes until we get interrupted.


We turn around and see......


Find out in tha next chapter. I'm thinkin of deletin this story. Should I?

for meh ta update:

Votes on chappie:2

comments:IDGAF :-) :-) ;-);-);-)


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