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KayKay P.O.V-

I woke up in a room on the damn floor....WTF?! I remember bein in my damn bed not on some nasty ass floor, in a crusty ass room! I tried gettin up but my damn legs ain't workin..... t'f?! When I tried gettin up again, the door opened and Jaden walked in with a smirk on his face. WTF IS THIS NIGGA DOIN HERE?!

"Hi KayKay, how you doin?" he asked like he don't see me on the floor TIED T'F UP!

I stared at him and narrowed my eyes.

"Nigga do you NOT see me sitting here on the damn floor TIED UP?!" I yelled at him while he laughed.

He called these two dudes in and they carried me to some room...... aw damn y'all.

When I looked up I saw we was in front of a door. I saw Jay, Mickey and Sydni BOTH sitting there with tape over their mouths. The two dudes put tape on my mouth so I wouldn't scream.

They opened the door and I saw Ray, Prince, Prod, and Chres all tied up too. Then I saw Star, Babydoll, Beauty, Ki'Loni, and Willow sitting there smirking..... they all were smirking except for Babydoll. WHAT IN THE LIVING FUCK?!

"Perfect......" Star said quietly to herself.

They ripped the tape off of our mouths and we all screamed in pain.

"WHAT THE HELL DO Y'ALL WANT?!" I yelled furiously.

"You will not talk to me like that!" Star yelled at me.

"What do you want with us?!" Jay ask calmly

"You took our boyfriends from us!" Beauty yelled at Jay.

"THEY WERE NEVER YOURS!" Sydni yelled furiously towards Beauty.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Star yelled ending the argument.

Babydoll was quiet and said nothing.

"GO TAKE THEM BACK TO THE ROOM!" Star yelled at her "goons".

They picked us up and took us to the room since we were still tied up. They sat us ALL in the same crusty ass room. Dumb asses.

"We gotta get outta here!" Ray said in a whisper yell.

"How long have y'all been here?!" Jay asked them all.

"About 2days or maybe more. I don't even know....." Prod said quietly.

We heard the door open and we saw Babydoll walk in. I glared at her but she didn't look like she wanted to cause trouble.

"Look I'm gonna help you guys get outta here ok?" she asked nicely.

"Why?" Mickey asked her.

"Because Star and her goons are crazy...... I never wanted to be apart of he little 'clique'. She forced me too....." Babydoll said truthfully.

I looked in her eyes and saw that she wasn't lying to us.

"I have a plan to get y'all outta here....." Babydoll said trailing off.

"What is it?" I asked impatiently.

"Ok. So the police have been looking for Star and her clique for almost a year now. They have so many different charges against them. All we need to do is collect information to turn them in. I have enough but we gotta have them say it themselves." She said explaining the complicated plan.

"If we have enough evidence then why do we have to get them to say their plan?" Ray asked the question we were all wondering.

"They may not believe us so we have to have ALOT of evidence to to have them convicted." She said answering the question.

"Ok...... what do you need us to do?" Prod asked.

"I need you guys to take these phones and hide them. When our plan unfolds, then we'll all call the police." She told us handing us each a phone.

"Were you the one that called us warning us about our boyfriends?" Jay asked her.

"No......" Babydoll said trailing off, "Look tomorrow at exactly 12 pm I want you guys to call the police department. Tell them that you are in the old, abandoned warehouse downtown."

"How do you know that this plan is gone work?" I asked her.

"We're gone hope and pray that it works......" She said staring at the floor, "Look go to sleep and I'll come in here in the morning. Night guys."

She walked out without another word. We all just looked at each other. We tried to make ourselves comfortable and then laid down and waited for the long day ahead of us.


A/N- Heyyy guysssss....... I know that I have been away for like EVER and that you guys have been wanting me to update my books and everything. I'm sorry that I haven't been updating. When my school life starts easing up then I'll update more. I have no idea's for my latest abusive book. Inbox me or text me on kik saying what you think. I love you guys for being there when I wasn't updating me books. Love you guys😘😘.

Comment what you think is going to happen next.



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