We're Saved....... Maybe

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Princeton POV-

I woke up and saw everybody else sleep. I just laid back down and stayed there. I heard mumbling and I saw Chres and Ray getting up. I looked at the time on the phones and saw that they said 11:45am. I woke up KayKay, Jay, Mickey and Sydni and told them to be ready to call the police in 15minutes. As soon as they said ok Babydoll walked into the room.

"Hey guys, you remember the plan?" she asked quietly.

We all mumbled our "yes' and yeah's" and she nodded her head.

"Its 11:50 now. I'm going to go do my part. You guys stay here and call them at EXACTLY 12:00." She said leaving the room closing the door.

"Come on lets get ready," I said to everybody.

Babydoll POV-

After our little "meeting", I went to the center of the warehouse were everyone was.

"Babydoll, nice of you to finally show up...." Star said glaring at me.

"Sorry, I woke up late...." I mumbled the lie.

"Whatever Babydoll," Star said irritated.

"What are you guys going to do with them?" I asked pressing the record button on my phone.

"Well, they're going to be our sex slaves...... the guys are anyways......" Star explained trailing off.

"What about the girls?" I asked her.

"What do you think?! We're going to kill them stupid!" Star said laughing.

"Why?" I asked shocked not knowing this part of the plan.

"Because of what they did to us..." Beauty said trailing off looking down.

"They didn't do th-" I started but was cut off bye Star.


You see, KayKay and Jays dad was a man-whore and could seduce any guy to do anything. Well their dad decided to go for Star and Beauty's dads. Well...... they left them and their family's to be with him and they blame it all on KayKay and Jay. Even though they had nothing to do with it.

"Who's going to kill them?" I asked not looking up.

"The guys are of course........" Beauty said matter-of-factly.

As she said that, they walked in. They discussed the plan. Star turned on the TV and the news came on. We saw the report about how we kidnapped the guys and girls. I also saw that it was twelve o'clock. So they should have been called the police.

"They're STILL looking for them? They are so stupid!" Star said laughing.

"They rea-" Beauty was cut off by the sound of sirens.

I smiled softly realizing that our plan worked. Star looked scared and told the boys to bring them inside. The boys came back with a smirking KayKay and her group.

Star P.O.V-

I saw the little fuck and her friends smirking.

"You called the police?!" I said through gritted teeth getting in her face.

"Hell. Fucking. Yeah." She said smirking and her small "victory".

I was about to respond but se heard, "THIS IS LAPD! COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!"

Beauty and the guys looked at me with big bug eyes.... but I'm NOT going down without a fight. I looked at Babydoll and she was..... SMILING?! wtf?!

"You called the police didn't you?" I said glaring at her.

She looked up at me smirking. "Maybe i did.... and maybe i didnt."

I was beyond pissed. WTF?! But i just started to laugh and everybody looked at me like i was crazy.

"You wanted to be Miss Save 'Em but your not...." i said laughing. I picked up my gun and started to shoot. I shot Babydoll in the chest before LAPD busted through the door. They grabbed me, Beauty, the guys and the guys' exes.

Before they took us away, Jaylen said she had something to say.

She looked up with an evil grin at Princeton and said," Guess who has a baby now..... You do"

They took us away and the last thing i saw was Ray crying and Babydoll dead.

My plan was complete 😈

Hayyyy baeeeeesss

Guessss who is almost done with this book?

This gal

So i have no idea yet if i am done yet but just knoe that i shall be done soon. IF yhu want me to continue then comment ig and if yhu want me to stahp then i will. Comment vote and read.

Idk i might make a sequel? Comment if you think i should but thats it


And what do you think is going to happen next?

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