Find Them

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*2 days later*

KayKay P.O.V

Where t'f is Ray, Prince, Prod and Roc.

"Jay where tha fuck is the boys?" I asked heated and concerned.

"I don't fuckin know. They just all disappeared." Jay said textin.

"How is we gone tell they parents 'oh y'alls sons is missing and we have no fuckin idea where t'f they are" I said nonchalantly.(a/n- IDFK how in tha fuck ta spell this so dont be commentin about my spellin ability okai).

"Lol. Maybe we should call Sydni, and Mickey over." Jay said while laughing.

We called the girls over and they were there in less than 15minutes. I hope the guys are okay.

??? P.O.V

Yes. There all fucking mine. I'm going after those annoying ass bitches next. You're probably wondering who they are......well their names are Courtney(sorry Jay I had ta use yo real name), Kaylin, Mickey, and Sydni. They took them away from me.


I turned around and looked at the four girls. Jaylin, Kyaa, Kortney, and Jai.

"Are they here?!" I yelled irritated.

"Yes ma'am" Jaylin said softly.

"FUCKIN SPEAK UP BITCH!" My best friend ?? yelled.

"Stupid ass bitches" My other best friend ?? yelled.

"Get out our damn sight! And bring the boys in here!" My other best friend ?? yelled.

Roc P.O.V

I woke up and instantly had a headache. Where am I? Where is Prod? What happened?

"I see you're up Chressy." ?? Said

I looked up and saw Kortney.

"Wtf do you want with me Kortney!?"

"Just get t'f up and fuckin follow me!"

I got up and followed Kortney down this long, dork ass hallway. We stopped in front of this big ass door. Fuck. Pray for me y'all.

Ray P.O.V

"WTF!?" I yelled wakin up.

I thought I was fuckin Kyaa.

"Hi RayBae"


"Just get tha fuck up and follow me."

I got up and followed Kyaa. We stopped in front of a big ass door. Help me y'all.

Jaden P.O.V(almost forgot tha gurls bf's)

Im sittin at home chillin wit Marqus and Twist. We sittin chillin and shit then my lil sister Willow, Twist's lil sister Kendall, and Marqus' lil sister Nia.

"Your liekkk Ice. I-C-"




"The boys are missing and we haven't seen them for two days. Do you know anything about it?"

Damn damn da-


"No I know nothin about it baby. I gotta go."

"Okay. Bye Jaden"


Actually I know ALL about it. Me and the boys were hired to take out the girls. 'The boss' got another boy to take care of Mickey. We never really liked the girls. This bf/gf thing is an act.

"We gotta go to our special meeting yall" he said quickly.

We all got up(except for da gurls) and left. We arrived at da HQ andd we walked inside to 'The Boss' office.

"I want you guys to get them here by friday night!" ?? said to us.

"But ?? that's only 4 days!" Twist said yellin.


We all stared at ?? andd then said yes.

This would be a complicated ass job.

?? P.O.V

I was watching them. I was watching them talk about when they were gonna get the girls. I gotta tell them. I'm not apart of their little group andd I never will be. I need to warn them.


Who is alll the ?????'s?

Why did they kidnap them?

Why does 'The Boss' want them for?

Why did the boys agree to go after the girls?

Who was the last person sayin that they had to tell the girls?

Idkk youu tell mee.



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