Chapter Five

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Her lungs had grown heavy sense entering the forest

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Her lungs had grown heavy sense entering the forest. Breathing was hard at times and her head was beginning to swim.

Do not succumb to the forest. she thought to herself. It is what the darkness wants.

The trees around her gave a loud creaking sound. The star shivered.

"The path goes this way." she heard Thorin yell from the front of the Company. She quietly followed the person in front of her, eyes always scanning and watching. She knew the elves that lived here well. And she knew they were not ones who took kindly to intruders.

The traveling was silent with an occasional shout saying which way the path went. The forest still continued to creak and move, but that seemed to only bother her.

They traveled through for what seemed hours over fallen trees and hills that lead them farther down before anyone said anything.

"Air." Bofur said suddenly, startling everyone. "I need air."

"My head!" Oin said in agreement. "It's swimming."

Small delicate seedlings floated down on them, and Arirua brushed them off her shoulders. She remembered watching the same thing happen when she had visited the Greenwood all those years ago, but back then it had looked more beautiful and magical than it did now. It no longer looked magical but deadly.

"We found the bridge!" Kili yelled from the front of the group. Arirua frowned. Something was wrong; the air around her felt thicker than it had only moments ago.

"Bridge." Bofur repeated loudly.

Arirua walked up behind the dwarves as the clumped together to look at the bridge. The center of the bridge was completely gone, most likely under the misty waters of the river. The enchanted river did not move. Arirua could tell there was nothing living under the moss that had grown over the top. The star was now almost chocking on how thick the air had become.

"We could try and swim it." Bofur offered.

"Didn't you hear what Gandalf said?" Thorin asked, breathing heavy. "A dark magic lies upon this forest. The waters of this stream are enchanted."

"Doesn't look very enchanting to me." the hat wearing dwarf muttered.

"We must find another way across." the king said.

"I do not believe there is another." Arirua said softly. "I remember this bridge last time I was here. We crossed over it."

"Then we will have to figure something out. We need to get out of this forest."

"I know Thorin." the star whispered as she walked to the edge, looking down at the stream. The water was black and pieces of moss and wood floated on the top. She stared down into the dark water and as she did, a feeling of something pulling her into the water came over her.

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