Chapter Two

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An hour and 15 minutes left of the flight and I've already played every song on my playlist.

Taking out my earbuds I stretch, stiff from being cramped in the same position for too long "I have to say, you have a wide taste in music" he states.

I turn to see Kade's quizzical eyes on me.

"Yeah, I just kinda like what I like, a bit of everything I guess" I shrug.

"I'd say" he laughs. "One minute you were listening to Kansas and the next you were listening to Taylor Swift" he laughs.

"I'm sorry if it was too loud"

"No it's fine I listen to a fair share of Taylor Swift" he smiles

"Yeah right," I scoff with a grin.

"Shake it off, shake it of ohh ohh ohhh, shake it off, a shake it off" he starts singing in a high pitched voice as he wiggles around in his seat.

I let out a loud embarrassing laugh not expecting that. And he throws his head back joining me. We laugh for a few minutes because every time we look at each other just set's us off again.

We end up talking for the rest of the flight. And he's actually not so bad.

'Passengers please can you take your seats and buckle in. Parents make sure your kids are securely in their seats, we'll begin landing in 5 minutes"

The air hostess announced over the noise, repeating herself 3 times before everyone's in there correct seats ready to land.

Once we were in Californias airport we stand around for 40 minutes waiting for our luggage, I spot kade not too far from us.

"Oh hey, mum that's him," I say pointing at Kade who has his back to us.

He told me on the plane that he was in London for 2 weeks visiting his cousins, he had to come home because it neared the end of summer and he starts his senior year in a few weeks.

He's 17, my age but he turns 18 in a week unlike me who still has half a year until I'm 18.

"Hey, Kade!" I yell

He turns and spots me almost instantly, making his way to us.

"Emery," he says nodding on my direction before turning to my mum "Mrs, Brackem" he holds out his hand.

"It's Miss Jenkins actually, but you can call me Sarah," she says smiling and tanking his hand.

He then turns to Jessie and says "you must be spiderman, it's an honour to meet you" he announces holding a hand over his heart and bowing his head.

"Noooo" Jessie laughs taking off his mask "My name is Jessie," he says shaking his head.

"Oh WOW! I really thought you were spiderman" he laughs and I look at mum who is looking at him with approving eyes.

He waits with us until our luggage comes out. We grab our bags and all walk out together. We get outside the airport and someone screams "Kade" as she runs and jumps into his arms. She looks only 12 and has bright blond hair. Behind her is a taller woman with long hair and soft features, the man a spitting image of Kade.

The girl jumps off and he introduces us to his parents, John, Tracy, and Olivia. They seem friendly enough.

"I'm sorry," his dad says "but we really must be going. It was lovely to meet you all" he says nodding at each of us.


"Well he was cute," mum says winking at me through the rearview mirror.

"Eurgh mum you're like 50, please stop" I insult scrunching up my nose.

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