Chapter Sixteen: Breakfast

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"GET UP!" I scream yanking the covers off of him.

Blake shoots up from his camp bed. "Wow, Emery.. okay I'm up."

"I called you twice before I had a shower, I told you if I had to call you a third time I wouldn't be so nice about it."

He looks at the clock. "God it's 6 o'clock. I don't have to be up yet?" He grunts grabbing at the covers still balled up in my hand.

"Yeah, you do." I smile "you promised to take me out to breakfast before school, remember?"

Recognition flashes across his features. "Fine I'm getting up" he sighs plodding along to the bathroom.

I'm sitting at the kitchen isle drinking a cup of tea when Karen walks in.


"Yeah" I look up.

"I though I heard you getting up just now? I must be hearing things."

"No. Blake is just up there getting ready for school, I'm already done."

Karen mouth pops open at my words. "Blake is up..." She looks at her watch "at ten passed six? On a school day?"

I grin. "Yeah he promised to take me out to breakfast this morning before my first day. I'm not letting him out of that one."

20 minutes later and he's showered and ready. It only took me 30 minuets and I had to style my hair, pick an outfit and put on some light makeup.  20 minutes is far to long for a boy if you ask me.

We climb onto his moterbike, somthing that's become so Fermiler I actualy like riding it. I wrap my arms around him and he tenses. He always tenses no matter how many time I've ridden this thing with him over the past week he still tenses at my touch.


The diner is basically empty when we arrive bar from a few people I've not seen before. The diner has become a regular hang out now, for me, Blake and Farah, we just meet up and eat.

"I'm going to the bathroom" I call after the waitress has taken our orders. I got a stack of pancakes with baconn and syrup. And a bowl of fruit.

Blake ordered a special, witch is basically a breakfast made of everything on the menu...

I spend 5 minutes in the bathroom if that. But by the time I walk out the diner has filled up. A few of Blake friends are sitting at the table with him. Linden's sitting opposite him in my seat with 2 girls standing behind her, one from the park and Chloe, who I met at the party the other day.

I walk up to the table and stand next to Linden. She looks up.

"Can I help you?" She asks an annoyed look on her face. She obviously doesn't like me. I suppose every time she sees Blake lately I'm there, must be a right pain for somone who thinks they're dating him.

"Errm...yeah your in my seat." I say pointing at my jacket hanging over the back of the chair.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realise it had your name on it" she Spits. Her friends giggle at her comment.

I hate her! How could Blake ever date somthing like that! Just no.

At her comment the boys notice I'm here. One is sitting next to Linden, he was talking across the table at another boy and Blake.

"Move Linden." Blake says with a tired tone in his voice. I think he's had enough of her already. I Definaly have.

"No. It a free country" she ignores him and just sits in my seat.

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