Chapter Twenty Seven: Two Weeks Later

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A/N The begining of this chapter is a recap of the last couple of days from Blakes Point Of view (POV) .

Sorry if this gets a little repetitive I though you might like some insight into Bake head.

If not just scroll down to where it says Emery's POV and read from there. you wont miss a thing.

Thank you for reading.

Blake's POV

I stood there as Emery walked out the door with a grinning Kade. The sight made me want to go back to the ring and punch some guys lights out.

I should not have slept with that girl, God I'm such a idiot. It all started yesterday after Emery tried to humiliate me in school and as much as I hate to admit it. She did.

I really though she was going to kiss me. But without realizing what she was doing she started a war. One I was a master at and one I was going to win.

All day I came up with ways to get my payback, my first idea was to put flower in her hairdryer, then I thought maybe putting die in her shampoo but I finally decided I was going to wright "property of Blake" on her face with a permanent pen. I could just imagine her cute angry face when she wakes up in the morning and sees that.

That night when she didn't come home I knew she would be a Farah's. I texted her and my suspicions were confirmed. I though I'd wait until the next night when she was at home but as it got later I convince myself to sneak into Farah's and do it that night. How funnier would it be waking up at someone else's house with that on.


I drove to her house around 11 thinking for sure everyone would be in bed. I climbed the garden gate and creeped across the yard. I saw the kitchen light on and froze.

They had just left the light on I thought, but when I approached the back door I saw Emery holding a spatula and a phone. She must have thought I was an intruder.

I couldn't help but laugh. it was priceless, this is better then I had planned. I knocked on the window and pulled down my hood. She dropped the phone and screamed looking up with fear in her eyes but it only made me laugh harder. Recognition flashed across her features and she soon got angry. I could tell, her cheeks tinted pink and her nostrils flared. She stomped over to the door and unlocked it letting me inside. I laughed so hard. I honestly though I might pee. She started ranting at me while hitting me with the spatula. This only made me laugh twice as much. Then it started to hurt. She finally stopped hitting me and I looked up at her.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack" I saw a tear roll down her face and I immediately stopped laughing.

"Shit are you okay?" I ask walking toward her.

"Yeah I'm fine, I was just really scared" she says putting the spatula down.

That's when I noticed her shacking hands.

I reach out and pull her into my arms. apologizing. I didn't man to do this. I just wanted to sneak in, wright on her forehead and leave. It was never mean to scare her, it was supposed to annoy her and make her laugh. I feel her body wrack with sobs and my heat hammers against my chest, once again I'm the reason for her tears and I regret everything leading up to this moment instantly.

"you dick" she punches me in the chest and smiles.

I laugh lightly "I'm sorry though"

She laughs with me lowering her head.

That's when I fully take in what she's wearing, a thin black top showing the lower part of her toned stomach and her nipples are telling me she has no bra. Shit. She looks up at me and I gulp. She's so beautiful.
She lowers her head and walks to shut the back door. I take the opportunity to feast my eyes on her really short shorts and those legs that seem to go on forever.

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