Chapter Five

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We pull up to a diner and my belly growls with appreciation.

"Guess I don't need to ask if your hungry" she laughs.

"I'm starving" I laugh, "haven't really eaten all day, we've been in such a rush, and I don't really like aeroplane food."

She screws her face up "Nope, let's get burgers and shakes"

My belly rumbles louder in response.

"Come on," she says getting out the car "before you waste away"

I jump out the car faster then I've ever before. I love my food and a burger sounds really good right now.

The diners not that busy. There's a few couples and then there's one large group at the back.

They look about our age, both boys and girls filling two booths.

"Richards!" one of the boys yells out followed by a wolf whistle and Farah rolls her eyes.

"Ergh, why didn't I think about them being here"

"Who are they?" I ask as he calls out again.

"Hey Richards, who's the hottie?"

At that, a few heads turn our way.

I flush hard looking at her expectantly.

"That's Blakes crowd" she sighs.

I can't help but groan.

"Are you serious?" I ask "Is there no escape"

She grabs my arm and pulls me to a booth across the room.

"Just ignore them, they usually go away if I don't entertain their idiocy," she says picking up the menu.

I can't help but look over at the crowd again. There's 5 boys and 6 girls. A few look vaguely familiar, I probably went to school with them when I was younger but not enough to know names. The boy who shouted at us is still looking at me and another boy is whispering in his ear also looking over. He says something back and they both stand up.

I look away quickly and grab a menu.

I'm looking at the burger selection when a rough cough interrupts us, we both look up at the same time.

"leave us alone Brett," Farah says rolling her eyes and putting an edge to her voice.

Brett? Not Brett cleaver, bogie picking Brett. It takes a lot not to laugh at the memory. He got hot, I'm not going to deny it.

"Settle down kitten" he puts his hands up in surrender. "I'm just wondering who your friend is" he turns his attention to me.

"None of your business. Leave" she replies sounding bored.

"Can't she speak for herself?" he asks cocking his head to the side and smirking "Your not a mute, are you sweetheart?" 

I turn my attention to him. "No, Not a mute I just don't interact with immature little boys," I say looking him up and down.

His smirk widens "I promise you, sweetheart, there's nothing little about me"

"Gagg," I say mimicking the motion "Your defiantly not referring to your brain because that's the shittest come back ever"

His friend laughs behind him.

"I was talking about my co-"

"Yeah I got it,"  I sigh "it just didn't impress me, I mean we all know the bragger's never actually the packer so I suggest you take your 'not so little 'friend," I say, eyes flicking to his junk "and move along"

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