Chapter Twenty Eight: Hurt

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I wake up feeling like I haven't slept a wink. I look over at my alarm clock and practically scream. 5.59 one minute before my alarm goes of. That has to be one of the worst things in the world. Curse you bladder and your untimely need of release.

Just as the annoying buzz starts to sound I turn it off. I slide out of bed and look across the room.

Just as I thought Blake's up and gone already.

I wonder if today's the day he will actually show up to school.

Yeah and today's the day pigs will fly.

I roll my eyes at my-self and wonder to the bathroom.

I carry out my morning routine and 30 minutes later I'm ready and raring to go, just joking who has ever said there raring to go to school.

Well I guess you could say I'm raring to see Kade. I saw him yesterday yes but still you can't really blame me for wanting to see him.

He's not exactly hard on the eyes.

I make my way downstairs to the kitchen.

Layla and Jessie are sitting eating there breakfast and mum is talking Karren's ear off.

"Okay I'm off" I say to no one in particular.

"Okay have fun, oh and remember sweetie we have that dinner tonight?"

"What dinner?"

Karen laughs. "Just as forgetful as Blake"

"Emery we made plans to go out as a family. All of us including the Charltons, our reservation is at 7 so don't be home late."

"What!" My mouth smacks open! "I don't remember hearing about this?"

I can't go to dinner with everyone, and Blake that's gonna be awkward. And everyone will know somthing wrong.

"I can't" I quickly add.

"Yes you can" mum says sternly.

Quick think, think, think.

"Farah, needs me"

Mum raises her eyebrows "Oh and what does she need you for?"

Errm..."Homework" I state.

"You can help her another time Emery, we've planned this for weeks, your coming and that's final."

I roll my eyes and nod.

Karen pipes in "if it makes you feel any better Blake didnt want to come, but I'm making him too"

I give her a small smile.

Yeah that makes me feel alot better. Not.

I make my way outside. My mood alot less chipper then it was this morning.

I notice Farah's car parked at the end of the driveway. She been giving me a lift for the last 2 weeks, since I can no longer get a ride with Blake. Occasionally Kade picks me up but he has morning practice most days.

I walk to her car deep in thought.

I wonder if Blake will actually turn up. I hope he dosent, but I know he will. I'll not that lucky. And hes not that brave, he gives it all that but when it comes to family, he's a softy and he actually respects his parents enough to listen to them. God I hope it's not super awkward. None of our familys knows about what happened they still think we're friends. This is going to end in loads of questionsn and I'm not ready to give the answers.

Farrah asks me what's wrong and I tell her.

"Well I'd like to be a fly on that wall" she laughs.

I slap her sholder "It's not funny, it's going to be horrible!"

"I'm sure it will be fine, Blakes in the same boat as you, he's not going to want to alert the family of what's happened."

"Yeah I suppose so"

"I know so!" She confirms with a nod.

I guess she's right, he's the one in the wrong, if everyone found out he'd look bad. I feel a little bit of weight leave my sholders but I'm still not 100% sure it's gonna be smooth sailing.

By the time we get to school Kade is waiting at my locker.

"Hey beautiful" he greets pecking my cheek.

I blush slightly "hey"

Somthing across the hall catches my eye.

A head full of thick brown hair turning and walking in the opposite direction.

I can't believe he's actually here.

I give Farah a look and she follows my line of sight! Her eyes grow wide with horror and I follow her gaze back to you know who.

Only you don't know because I'm no longer looking at just Blakes head I'm also looking directly at Lindens because there faces and securely interlocked.

In one breath my heart drops. What the hell. I look back at Farah and the pityfull look I get is enough to bring me to tears. Before Kade notices, Farah grabs my arm and pulls to the girls bathroom.

Shouting over her sholder at a confused Kade "lady emergency" nodding at her private area. He swerws up his nose but dosent pry any further.

As soon as the door shuts behind us tears roll down my cheeks.

I'm more mad then anything.

Yeah, okay says that inner voice poking it's nose in again.

I am.

"I'm mad!" I say to Farah.

She gives me a look that tells me my inner voice wasn't just making it up.

"I am Farrah, yeah I'm hurt but I'm also mad!"

"What the hell is he thinking. She horrible, not just to me to everyone"

She sighs "yeah but this isn't about her being horrible to everyone this is about her being a bitch to you"

I shake my head. "No your wrong."

Farah give me a look telling me not to even try.

I sigh and more tears roll down my face.

"Okay yeah I'm mad. I'm his bestfrind, atleast I was, how could he be with someone who makes my life misery."

More tears fall.

"How could he perposly spite me in such a horrible way. No matter what happened between us I could never do that to him. He's done this for no other reason then to hurt me."

Farah bring me in for a hug and keeps her arms around me for a good 10 minutes.

The tears finaly subsided.

Now I'm mad.

I wipe my eyes, splash my face with cold water and look at Farah.

She gives me a cautious look.

"Two can play at that game, and if Blake Charlton thinks he can win, let him try"

I say before walking past Farah and out the doors.



It's on like Donkey Kong!

What do you think of Blakes betrayal? Is Emery over reacting?

The game begins, who will win?

I know it's short,I'll start and try to finish the next chapter by the end of the week.

Its been too long and thank you to the people who stuck by the book and waited patiently for my lazy ass to get on and write.

Don't forget to vote and comment! ♡

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