Hell Hound on the Loose [Chapter 7]

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'BOOM' I heard something cause an earthquake outside. Alarmed I quickly zipped away from my work and ran to the front door faster than I ever had before."FORD" my housemate yelled. "Something just blew up your car!"

"What!?" I asked dumbfounded, scrambling over to him in the living room and looking out the window that he was. And what I saw was a huge, no ginormous dog as black as night with three heads, chains accompanying it's three collars around each head's neck. Not to mention that fire was seeping out of it's mouth like drool.

"Is that a Cerberus!?" I questioned in shock. But I shouldn't have been as surprised as I was, this was Gravity Falls after all. "Those things are only real in Greek mythology!"

"Well I guess that Greek mythology was lying!" My friend said said, running out of the living room and up into my attic. "Coward."

I dashed outside, shoving my coat on in the process. I tried to think of a way to put the dog at ease, or as a last resort, kill it. I had created a theory that if I drenched it in water then it would cause damage to it. They call it a 'hell hound' for a reason right?"

After filling a bucket full of water and throwing it onto the dog I realized that it wasn't going to harm him...but it sure as hell looked like I was about to be harmed.  It turned around and growled. It's teeth looking sharper than a kitchen knife and bigger than my car it'd just destroyed. It's mouth itself could have been a whole death trap itself. Buts it's eyes stood out most of all; they glowed red. It's whole structure was much more intimidating up close...

"Shit" I managed to mumble out before the dog came charging after me. I ran towards my house, realizing that that I wouldn't be able to reach it before the K9 could. As a final attempt I made a mad dash and slid under my porch, thank God I hadn't gotten it fixed from the last oddity that came around here.

I quickly went into the back corner, getting as far away from the creature as possible. The dog sniffed and tried to dig it's way to me but failed due to it's massive size. It growled and barked but it didn't solve it's problem. All it needed to realize was it could easily tear the flimsy porch apart.

"Think damn it!" I yelled, but the only thing what came to mind was the underground bunker I had built nearby. But it was way to far for me to reach. I just needed a distraction for even a few seconds to be able to run back into the house. Damn that coward for running off and hiding.

I thought but nothing came to mind thanks to my rising anxiety, and the dog was getting closer every second to reaching me. I was about to just make a mad dash for it until the the porch was completely torn off of the ground and not in the dog's teeth. He dropped it and I ran. But I was not seeing a bright side to this situation.
Regular dogs can run at least 3/4 faster than a human, but compaired to this, I had no chance.

I tried for the door but didn't even get close before I was taken hostage by the animal's teeth. The fire that had been dripping from it's mouth earlier had come back to burn me and my clothes. I shut my eyes tight waiting for it's teeth to finish me off and tear me in half. I was guaranteed to be swallowed and digested. I at least hope I tasted bad.


The sound echoed through the woods as the hell hound yipped, gritting it's teeth in pain.

'Crik crik Crrrrraaaaacccck'

I gasped for air at the sound of my ribcage being crushed, but my breath was swiftly taken from me from the hit. A thick iron tasting liquid ran up my throat in almost no time, making me cough which left blood blood trickling down my face and into my eyes. His teeth had punctured my lungs.


Another shot went off and another yelp from the dog, tightening his teeth  once again, which only made the pain worse than it already was on top of the burning sensation in my legs.


Two more shots went off and the dog fell to the ground, bringing me along for the rid. I fell out of it's dead jaws and  stayed on the ground, the world dizzy and my breathing getting increasingly harder by the second, blood running out of my mouth and burns that felt like hell itself.

"FORD!" I heard my housemate's heavy footsteps approach me. He slid onto the ground and grabbed me, propping me up in his arms. "Damn it you dumbass look what you've done to yourself!" Then everything went silent.

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