A week had passed since the blond man showed his true colors and Ford had gotten no sleep whatsoever. He had been keeping himself awake off of coffee, but even then he drifted off at times to stare into nothing quite often.
Bill on the other hand was much worse. After Ford dragged him into the house it was clear to him that could not use his useless noodle legs. But that didn't bother Bill at the moment, it was the damned cage that the scientist had locked him into. Now normally Bill would have no problem with completely demolishing a puny metal cage, but when he was trapped in this worthless meat sack, not a chance. He couldn't do anything besides being a completely worthless demon stuck in a human's body. All of his abilities he possessed, completely gone.
At the moment all he wanted was out of the damned cage that confined him. It was extremely cold, and it hurt his arse. Ford never gave him any blankets when he did the human ritual of 'sleeping', even when the demon pleaded for one. It was the middle fall around now, and damn it, it was cold. His thin button up shirt and dress pants gave little to no heat.
"Come on, how much longer do I have to be in here?" Bill said shivering, cold and bored beyond belief. "As.....as long as it takes...takes.....t -....." Bill sighed, Sixer had nodded off again. And it wasn't long before he would jolt up, finishing his sentence in a hurry. Bill had plenty of time to memorize Sixer's pattern when he had occasionally fallen asleep
"Three...two...one... and-" Ford jerked awake, finishing his incomplete sentence "As long as it takes to prove that your not plotting to end me." He said quickly.
Bill rubbed his face uneasily, he should take advantage of this. Sixer hasn't had a cup of coffee for a good five hours and that was taking a toll on him. So the demon knew he should manipulate the man now before he got another cup.
"Think about it Fordsy. If I was still a demon wouldn't I have just broke out of here already and killed you? It would have been that easy." Ford gave him a good twenty second blank stare then shrugged. All the hours of being awake was really putting a toll on him. "Your just saying that, but I know you. You made a deal with some poor man, possessed him and made it seem like you were a different person for months and now you basically watz up my doorstep and want me to take you in like an orphan child. Currently you're waiting for me to gain your trust and to make me think that your useless and then your gonna kill me. Easy."
'Damn.' Bill thought. 'For a guy who hasn't got more than an hour of sleep this entire week he sure can keep his shit togeter.'
"For fucks sake Sixer you dragged me into the house because I can't walk remember!? More the less I can't even move in this cage because it's so small! I thought I was cold hearted, but I would have at least given myself a blanket!" Ford glared at Bill, obviously not happy about the demon's argument "You think I want to be here?" Ford said back. "I don't want to spend my time watching over a scalene triangle like a babysitter." Bill gasped at Ford's insult a bit more dramatic than he intended. "I would spit you into two right now if I could, but you'd probably just lose your other half... Oh wait you already did!" Bill uncontrollably bursted out laughing, knowing that he'd pushed at a very sensitive point.
Ford, who had obviously gotten the joke about Stanley snapped out of his sleepy tomb and fidgited with his keys rapidly. "Ah, you've finally come to your senses and set me free!" Bill smiled, getting a bit excited before he was grabbed by the collar and heaved out of the cage. "Wait what are you doing?" The blond questioned as he was thrown onto his knees, looking back to find the six fingered man with a double barreled shotgun. "Plesant nightmares" Ford growled before taking the butt of the gun and ramming the back of Bill's head.

The Demon In Disguise《BillFord》
FanficAfter Bill tricked Ford a year ago into building a portal to his dimension, the scientist had nothing left to do. All of his life's work went to waist, that is until he found a strange man in the middle of the woods. His blond hair and gold and grey...