Chapter 4... Begin! : (

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  I storm out of the building, unable to bottle up my emotions any longer. I can't. I just can't anymore! All that building up confidence didn't matter in the end. I won't be able to do that again. Not again.

  Getting my hopes up... I can't face Clara and her brother again! Not after I promised them. Promised them that I'm good. I can't.....



  I run away, completely enveloped in my feelings. I can't even face my own Pokemon now. How can I be that weak?


  No! I try running for the gate to the next route. I can't face them. And if I can't prove anything, my mother.....

  "Millie! Stop!" Clara, being faster than me, catches up and stops me. "It's okay to mess up."

  "Right!" Clyde gasps, exhausted. "It's.... Not that bad."

  I turn away, wiping my sodden face. I stay quiet, so Clara continues." No one's perfect. It's okay to lose every once in a while. "

  "But this is the second time in a row!" I sob." Now you've seen that I'm not-"

  "You were great!" Clyde tries to convince me, but it's not working.

  "When a mistake is made, you have to get up and try even harder." Clara grabs me, looking me right in the eyes." All of us mess up, but we can always learn from them! Life doesn't end and we won't hate you if you're not perfect; no one is! We know that, and so do your Pokemon. "

  My Pokemon...."Lil! Petilil! "


  "You guys...." Petilil jumps onto my shoulder, and Espurr nuzzles my leg. I slowly regain hope. "I guess I was wrong."


  "We can still do it so long as we try. I should have let Espurr stay in the dressing room, but I didn't, which is MY fault."


  "No, it's okay. This time, we won't make any mistakes that we brush off and try to forget. This time, we'll take our mistakes and make them into something greater!"

  Clara chuckles, helping me back to my feet." Nice to see you're better. "

  "I agree," says her brother." Let's see what good you three can make."

  I nod, my heart flooding with determination. "I'll- WE'LL do it!"

  I extend my arm out in front of me. My Pokemon reach up to touch it, and we make a promise. "Petilil!"


  "Let's put in our full devotion!!"

    Chapter 4...End! ; )

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