Chapter 20... Start! :)

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I can do this. I know I can! This time it won't be the fake confidence I pretended to have, when really on the inside I was shaking uncontrollably. I can be strong, and all I have to do is what Olympia said was my destiny!

To share my performance world! After my friends left, me, Meowstic, and Petilil worked hard to show any travelers we came across wonderful performances. If I'm going to make an attempt at becoming Kalos Queen, then I have to start by making people smile, be it offstage or in a Showcase.

It took me a while to realize it, but being Kalos Queen is much more than its title, and here I was all this time admiring Aria for her title, when it's what she does and who she is that make up Kalos Queen.

That means that I have to do my very best, put my all into everything, and then I'll be able to compete for Kalos Queen! I'll be able to accept the tiara! To be like Aria....

No! To be the Kalos Queen.

To start I continued onward to the town I dreaded. Now that Clyde and Clara were gone, I had to make sure that I could do my best, too. It's almost funny, really.

I wasn't sure that I had this much life. I was almost so timid that the mere sight of a group of people would be enough to make me turn tail like a frightened Lillipup, but here I am talking and showing off to any traveler I meet on the road ahead.

Then, finally, with my two best friends still beside me, I reached Couriway Town. A beautiful community with waterfall as landscapes. In the middle of town sits a large yellow stage with many seats centered around it.

The Showcase. I instantly know what the type of challenges I'll face there. There are tons of Pokemon Performers ready to compete and give it their all to win their last Princess Key.

Some, even their first. Being that far behind, it would be extremely difficult to catch up in time for the upcoming Master Class, which with each day got closer and closer.

"Lil." Even Petilil knows how serious this is, and Meowstic hasn't said so much as a peep. Whether it's the Showcase or the Master Class or even Clyde and Clara, I have no idea, but there is one thing I'm certain of.

"We're going to do our best, Meowstic." This time, right from the mouth I always expected to be sealed shut, were true words of encouragement.


As she floats up and lands on my shoulder, I pat the little blue tuft of fur on her head.

"We've already shown so much travelers what we're willing to bring to this competition. Even if it's not our mother's, we still have so much support."

With one last look at the stage before going off to check in at the hotel, a swift decision takes root in my mind. I will win my third Princess Key.

"Welcome, ladies and gentleman!" Chipper as always, Monsieur Pierre pumps up the crowd after taking off his Klefki mask.

As the introductions are still going on, among the countless other girls in the dressing room, I fins a quiet spot for myself to prepare.

"Is that Millie?"

Hm? Peeking over my shoulder I notice two other Performers that seem to be friends standing close by each other whispering.

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