Chapter 5...Start! ; )

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  I inhale the fresh watery air of Coumarine City. Today will be our last day here. The buzz of yesterday's Showcase has died down, and the town is peacefully quiet. I hear that there will be another Showcase in Dendemille Town. We're in no rush, though. We still have to practice!

  "You seem cheery today," says Clyde with a yawn as he brushes his Quilladin.

  "It's a new day! Why wouldn't I be excited?"

  "That's the spirit, Mil!" Clara enters the kitchen with a bright face. "New day, new energy!"


  "Petilil!" Petilil hops onto my lap, her ruby red eyes brimming with health.

  "We'll get in some practice later."

  "Purr!" Espurr gives a hearty greeting."Espurr!"

  "That's right! For the win!"

  "Heard anything about Team Flare?" Clyde asks his sister.

  Clara shakes her head, seemingly disappointed. "Nothing. I think they've fled again." Her eyes narrow with contempt." Such cowards," she growls.

  Team Flare."Why were they attacking you?"

  "Huh?" Clara's serious face is replaced with one of her grins." They see us as threats. Thing is, we've been after them ourselves."


  "They're bad," Clyde adds, clutching his Quilladin. "A long time ago, they stole a Fennekin from someone we knew, when we got our Pokemon. We decided that we didn't want anyone to experience that, so we vowed to stop them."

  "That's all well and good, but I still can't figure them out. Fashion this and fashion that...They're so annoying."

  "That girl with the Braixen..." She looked as if she weren't that much older than me. Her Braixen looked as if it were happy following its Trainer, even if they were doing something bad. Hurting people, stealing Pokemon. If I lost my Pokemon...

  "Millie?" Clara's staring at me, her voice full of concern.

  "I'll help you!" Even if I'm not a master at battling, I can't stand such an injustice! "Next time we see them, we can't let them get away!"

  Clara pats my back."Such energy! Glad to have you around, Mil. You're a really cheerful person."

  I blush."Me? Cheerful?" Even though I was busy bawling just yesterday.

  Clyde nods." You're always smiling, just like your Pokemon. Even when you're sad, you can get over it."

  "I guess you're right." They think I'm cheerful! It's so nice to have good friends. "Let's watch some television."

  "Cool." Clara pops open a soda I turn on the television.

  "Number one this week is Matinee!"


  Matinee's performance with Dratini is on the screen. She twirls as Dratini uses a spiraling Twister. The stage is whipped with a beautiful wind as Dratini adds Dragon Rage. Amazing.....

  "We don't have to watch if-" Clara begins, but I stop her.

  "It's okay. I don't mind watching." Matinee finishes with a radiating Thunder Wave, and my eyes are glued to the screen. She's just as I thought. She's a great Performer, and she's actually really cold in person. I wonder..... How much heart does she have? I might stand a chance if I find out that she doesn't have the kind of energy and persistence that I have.



  "I want to practice battling again!"

  Clara chugs down her soda, slamming the bottle down once it's empty."Can do!"

  "Petilil and Frogadier, right?"



  "We can do it, Petilil!"

  Petilil nods,determined. "Petilil!"

  "That's the stuff!" Clara sends out her Frogagreen"Water Pulse!"

  "Frogadier!" The swift blue Pokemon brings its hands together, sending out a pulse of water.

  "Dodge!" Petilil hops out of the way, and I feel a wave of relief."Energy Ball!" Petilil attacks with a dark green ball, but Clara's Frogadier dodges."Again! " Petilil keeps up the attacks, but none seem to hit.

  "Slash!" Frogadier attacks from the air with a conjured up blade.

  "Lillll!" Petilil lands on the ground with a small thud.



  "Hydro Pump!"

  "Dodge it and use Energy Ball!"

  Frogadier attacks with a fearsome blast of water, but Petilil jumps up high and her move hits."Frogadierrrrrr!!"

  "Not too bad," Clara compliments."But that's not all we've got!"

  "Energy Ball again!"

  "Slash it!" Frogadier slices through the attack, then targets Petilil."Quick Attack!" Frogadier rushes at Petilil with blinding speed.

  "Petilil!!" She lands once again on the ground, this time exhausted.

  "That's all for now, Petilil."


  "You did pretty well!" Clyde encourages.

  "Yeah! You put up a good fight this time!" Clara praises.

  "Thanks!" We did do a good job! "Can you teach me more?"

  "Always! I'll teach you all about battle items and tactics next!"


   Chapter 5..... End! ; )

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