Chapter 7...Start! ; )

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  I brush furiously at my tangled locks as I put away my sleeping bag. It's easy for me to squirm and wiggle out of it at night when I'm asleep, and rolling around in grass and leaves creates a new problem. While I'm stuck dealing with my bedhead, I spot Clyde feeding his Quilladin.

  He smiles at me, and smiles even more brightly at the sight of my hair. "You have a leaf on your head," he chuckles in amusement.

  "I- I know! I'll brush it off when I'm done." I'm glad no one else can see me like this!

After he mentions the leaf, I take my brush out of my dominant hand and bring it to my head. I pick up a soft, familiar dark green leaf, and with shock I shriek.

  "What's wrong?!" Clara pokes her head out from behind a tree. Her hair is slick and wet, and I assume she's just finished swimming. Or bathing.

  "This leaf is-"I nearly faint at the thought of my Petilil. "I must've rolled over on her and did this!" I squeal. 


"I can hear her now...."

  Petilil hops daintily into the clearing, one of her three leaves missing from her head. "Lil?"

  "Oh, no!" I rush over to her, inspecting her head. To my surprise, there's no wound or anything of the sort. In addition to that, she doesn't seem to be in pain.

  "Oh!"Clyde walks over an pats her head."There isn't any serious damage done."


  "Yeah! In fact, you can even eat the oblong leaf for nutrition!"

  "R-really?" The thought of eating something that came from my Pokemon's head... "That sounds like the equivalent of eating a tuft of Espurr's fur."

  "That leaf has rejuvenating qualities!" Clara hops and stumbles as she attempts to pull on her boot. "That's why you should eat it! Besides, I bet it'll grow back eventually!"

  I stare down at the dark green leaf in my hand. Petilil isn't hurt, thank goodness, and Clara and Clyde say I should eat it....

  I lift the leaf in front of my mouth and take a bite. I feel my nose and mouth wrinkle with disgust as I begin chewing the overly bitter leaf. It takes a while for me to devour all of it, even though it's not much longer than my hand. When I'm finally finished, I cough and feel the urge for something sweet.

  "How was it?" Clara asks, no longer behind a tree trying to get dressed.

  My smile is forced and probably crooked."Very unforgettable! "That sure wasn't a lie.

  Clara laughs heartily as she pulls up her hair." I've heard it's really bitter."

  "It sure is." I look down at Petilil. How could something that came from her taste so antu-sweet?


  "What do you want to be, Clara?" I randomly ask as the three of us continue onward towards Dendemille Town.

  "I want to be a Gym Leader." 

  "A Gym Leader?" I've only heard of them a few times, but I was never particularly interested, so I hardly played attention when learning about them.

  "They're the people you have to battle to earn Gym Badges. If a Trainer gets eight, they'll be able to enter the Kalos League, where they'll compete with other Trainers there!"

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