Chapter 25.... Begin! :)

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My heart floods with relief as I'm taken down the platform, glad to finally be able to have a moment of rest. We did it. We really did it.


Just as I'm about to sink to my feet with exhaustion, despite doing a performance that was a few minutes long, although it felt like a week long, Matinee speaks to me. Her expression is tinged with sorrow, and relief at the same time. It's like she's happy to be off the stage as well.

"Yes, Matinee?" I breath as I steady myself, standing tall so my legs don't so much as wobble.

"You will become Kalos Queen."

"Um.... Thank you!" Why this all of a sudden? It's so strange to hear Matinee praise me, let alone with something as big as this!

She lets out a sigh, turning away with an unreadable expression. "To be Kalos Queen, to inspire others, that image of her is almost washed out in my family."


"Even before speaking to Palermo, I knew that I wouldn't be the one to break my family's change of inertia. We're all Pokemon Performers, the girls at least, and yet every time we step on stage, someone like you comes along to mesmerize the audience."

Why is she telling me all this? This can't be some kind of message of farewell, can it? All of a sudden I want to delve myself deeper into her words, I want to see and feel her life's experience.

Every performer has a story, and all of a sudden I want to know every single one. Like Candace, the girl that messed up when it was her turn to shine. Just like a rock slipping away....

"I'm glad to have shared the stage with you, Millie."

The platform jerks to a stop, and before I can even catch my breath Matinee hurries off, Dragonair close behind her.

"See you later, Kalos Queen." Candace leaves with those parting words, and I'm left to stumble after her, speechless.


"We... We can do this." Everyone's support. I've got it running through me!

As I hurry back to the elegant dressing room, I see a face I'd never expected to see in this Showcase. Well, two.

"Chloe?" My eyes scan her for a minute before traveling down to a holocaster in her hand. "Clara!"

"Hey, Millie." And an apologetic face next to hers!


There they are, those same twins on a hologram screen in front of me. "How are you? How is everything?" I almost choke up as I speak, but I force it all down. This should be a joyous moment; I don't want to ruin it with tears.

"Meow!" Meowstic appears at Chloe's feet, as if she'd personally sought her out.

"Geosenge is undergoing repairs, as is Lumiose City," Clara fills me in.

"Oh, we were just there!" I hadn't noticed that before since the trains were still running. Maybe the part of the city I was in was fine, or maybe repairs in Lumiose started a while ago. After all, who knows how long it's been since Team Flare was finally apprehended?

"While I was getting my other Pokemon dressed I saw a message pop up, and when I saw them I instantly thought of you."

"You met them?"

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