Chapter 9... Start! ; )

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With a feeling of new energy in my chest, I stare down at the evidence of my win. The Dendemille Town Showcase award. My first Princess Key! I really did it this time!

  "Petilil!" I can tell that Petilil and Espurr are just as happy as I am. They contributed to the win as well. To be honest, I couldn't have done it without them by NY side. I'm so glad to have their support.

  "I'm sure we can win our second Princess Key in no time!" We have to practice more first, though, I silently add.

  "You sure left that Matinee in the dust!" Clara tackles me from behind, her arms wrapped around me as her head peeks past my shoulders to reveal a large grin.

  "Yeah." My mind flows back to the late afternoon, after the Showcase.

  Matinee had walked out of the building along with either excited people, or with disappointed participants who couldn't win. When she saw me, she walked up to me. I obviously hadn't expected any kind of "Congratulations!" from her, but I also didn't expect the parting words she left either.

  "So you've won your first key, but that's not enough to be eligible to become Kalos Queen."

  "Hm?" Each Pokemon Performer needs to acquire three Princess Keys to participate in the Master Class, which I knew, but I was confused as to why she'd bring that up with me.

  "Whether or not you handle the Master Class is the real question." Matinee was level-headed as she spoke, and it was impossible to tell if she was upset, but seeing as how she was always so cocky whenever she spoke to me I take it she was. "But can you handle me, as well as other rivals, in the Master Class?"

  I didn't answer. Such serious questions being asked, there was no way I could come up with anything for them. So Matinee continued, flipping her perfect blue hair over her shoulder."In the future, I suppose we'll see."

  And with the dramatic silence after that statement, she left, her equally inexpressive Pokemon walking calmly after her. We'll see... The ominous parting words still linger in my mind today.

  "You okay?" Clyde, who's busy feeding all of our Pokemon, pauses to ask.

  "Of course! It's just that..."

  "Why don't you go take a little walk?" Clara's offer makes my eyes widen in surprise. That's the first time she's ever given THAT advice. Clara, however, unaware of my shock, speaks once more her unusual words of wisdom."It's good to collect your thoughts when no one else is around. "


  Dendemille Town is about a big a town as any other one, but I don't get lost. Clara told me to take a walk, but, it's not like I have a whole lot to think about. I should practice when I get back to Petilil and Espurr, though. Then we can be set for the next Showcase!

  The Showcase... A sudden replay of our performance zooms by in my mind. Petilil's Energy Ball coming for me was a mistake, but I bet it looked nothing like a mistake! That being said, that could be useful...

  "....annoying pests! Annoying, rotten pests!"

  "Hmm?" In a shadier part of town, I notice the girl who's complaining. She seems extremely frustrated, and then I see something roll towards my feet. A ring? I bend down to pick it up, but the girl's Pokemon gets it before I do.

 I look up just as the Pokemon grabs it, and my heart skips a beat. Orange, gleaming eyes.... Yellow and white fur. "B-Braixen!"

  "Braix!!" Braixen headbutts me, knocking me down and off my feet.


  Her owner steps out of the shade."You're so great with your Pokemon, but what can you do now?"

  "Urgh..." I rub my head, the throbbing nonstop. Such a loyal Pokemon to do that to someone!

  "We'll put an end to this pest once and for all!"



  "Esp!!!" I weakly crawl away and slowly bring myself to my feet, looking back at the familiar call. Espurr!

  "Espurr!" Espurr also unleashes Psybeam, and the moves push back at each other, a battle of strength.

  "You can't win!" Lennie yells over the earsplitting noise of the attacks."I stole this Fennekin and look at her now! Way more powerful than a puny runt of a Pokemon!"


  "Don't talk about her like that!" I yell above both the noise and Lennie."You aren't-"The pain stops me from speaking any longer. My head is throbbing way too hard for me to even.... I fall to my knees. Can't.... Do it...

  "Esp!" Espurr calls after me, but also has a hard time keeping up her Psybeam.

  "You it, Espurr! We can...." My knees give out, and I land on my side, the street scraping my hand.

  "Espuuuuuuuuur!!!!" I nearly pass out, my vision going from darkness to a faint view and back to darkness. I finally open my eyes to a massive light, nearly blinding me. 

  "Millie!" I hear Clyde and the sound of running from nearby.

  "Espurr ran away so suddenly, and we-Whoa!" I hear Clara run then the two of them stop.


"Meowstic!" Espurr, who was surrounded by a shimmering blue and white light, appears as a slightly taller, dark blue and white Pokemon. "Meow.....Stic!!!!" Her Psybeam gets much stronger, overpowering Braixen, who ends up getting hit by the attack.

  I cough as smoke bursts from the move, and feel even fainter as someone lifts me by my arm and carries me away.

  "What happened?" Clara's inundating me with questions."What was that? How did Espurr know? Why were you there? Wha-"

  "Clara! Millie's exhausted right now. Leave her be."

 "I'm fine, I just need something for my headache."

  "Mrow!" The dark blue and white Pokemon, formerly Espurr, nuzzles my cheek, and I pat her head.

  "She evolved into Meowstic!" Clara says, staring at my Pokemon with wide eyes.

  "Meowstic!" Too shocked to react, I look cautiously at my newly evolved Pokemon."You're... Still the same. Right? "

  "Mrow-Stic!!" Meowstic, full of affection, playfully lifts me up off the couch and into the air with Psychic.

  "Wah!! M-Meowstic!"

                      Chapter 9.... End! ; )

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