Chapter 11... Start! ; )

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"Battle, you say?" Clara pokes her head out from behind a tree."I'll ref this time! "She jumps out and wraps me in a big hug. 

  "My Millie, proposing battles already! You've grown so much!"

  I giggle. This will be a battle against someone I've never seen battle before! Not only that, but Chloe is a Pokemon Performer just like me!

  "Petilil!" Petilil hops to my feet.

  "Ah! Petilil! Great timing! Let's battle together!"

  Petilil hops up and down with excitement. "Lil! Lil!"

  I turn to Meowstic."Let's do it together!" Our last double battle was pretty much against Lennie, which was quite unfavorable. This time, I'm not being forced to fight; I want to battle!

  Clara grins, pulling out her Holocaster."Videotaping functions! Heated Performance Battle # 2!"

  I stare at her in confusion."Two?"

 "Are we gonna get this battle started or what?!" Clara jumps around restlessly, as if it's her battle.

  I look over at Chloe."Double Battle?"

  Chloe pulls a small brush from out of her pocket and draws it over her fountain tails. Once she's done, she smiles with certainty. "Yep!"

  "Battle... Begin!"

  Meowstic and Petilil take their positions in front of me, while Litleo and Spritzer stand eagerly in front of Chloe. Just then do I notice an element missing.

  "Where's Clyde?"

  "Who cares? Start!"

  I'm a little shocked at Clara rushing us, but then again that's just who she is. "Let's do it, you two!" Chloe points at Petilil."Flamethrower on Petilil! "

  "Litleo!" Litleo jumps a forward, its tiny mane glowing as the Pokemon uses Flamethrower.

  "Protect her, Meowstic!"

  Meowstic nods in understanding, springing to Petilil's side with a protecting barrier. The Flamethrower fades into dark orange glitter as it lands on the transparent barrier.

  "Whoa!" While Chloe's busy marveling over the display, I order Meowstic to use Charge Beam on Spritzee.

  "Spritzee!" Spritzee floats out of the beam's range, easily avoiding the move.

  "Oh, yeah!" Chloe brings back her focus to the battle in front of her. She points to the sky. "Dazzling Gleam!"

  Spritzee whizzes through the air and stays suspended mid air. Out of her eyes is a bright light that lands on both Meowstic and Petilil.



  "Are you okay?"

  The two get to their feet rather quickly, not yet finished fighting. "Dazzling Gleam!" I spend too much time on my Pokemon that I completely forget about Spritzee.

  My Pokemon get hit once again, and I begin to sweat nervously. I have to fight back! If they use that move again...

  "Dazzling Gleam!"

  "Meowstic!" Meowstic moves toward the light with tremendous psychic power. She blocks the move completely, but is left looking a bit tired.

  "It's okay, Meowstic! It's time to work together!" If I can just guide my Pokemon... Then we have a shot at winning.

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