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Thomas's POV

The sun shines through the smelly bus window, I look up to meet eye to eye with dark chocolate eyes from one of my good friends Chuck.

"Man, I wonder how school's gonna be this year you know being a Sophomore and all." Chuck says. I met Chuck in middle school, he was in 6th Grade when I was in 8th Grade, he moved to town a month before me, so we were both "greenies", or newbies.

Being a foster kid, I move around a lot, so you learn to pack really light so its way easier to move around, but I've been staying in this foster home for about 5 years now. I don't exactly remember my parents or anything from my past as much. All I remember is meeting my best friends, in the 8th grade, Minho and Newt. I start off the bus, waving to Chuck as he goes into the Sophomore hall. Newt, Minho, and I are Seniors now.

I pop open my locker that I got four years ago, when I close my locker, I jump up to see my dirty blonde friend, Newt.

"Hey Tommy." He says casually.

"Hey Newt." I say we do our complicated handshake that I somehow remembered over the summer.

Newt is a very understanding and loyal friend, I learned that the first day I met him. He is the most selfless guy I've ever met, and you can trust him with anything.

"Ahh isn't great to be back and see all the klunkheads here?" Gally asks in a sarcastic tone, looking at Newt and only Newt.

Gally always bullied Newt, the reason for that, I have no idea, but it always got on my nerves. Gally starts to push Newt into the lockers I try to pull him away but, fail miserably. Since there's no classrooms nearby I can't run to any teachers, and compared to Gally's strength I can't do anything until...

"Hey you shuckface." The really familiar voice sounds behind Gally.

Minho, an Asian athlete, with muscular arms (You know I had to add that part in) somewhat towers over Gally (somewhat)... Minho starts to grab Gally's collar.

"You stay the shuck away from my friend you got that, ya shank?" Minho spat.

Gally nods and pushed Minho away and started for the Senior hallway.

"You guys okay?" Minho looked back at us with a smirk.

"Yeah, thanks Minho..." Newt quietly said, Minho helps him get up from the lockers.

Minho is like the sarcastic, sassy protector friend, where you know, you can trust him and he will be beside through thick and thin. Minho was in foster care like me but, because he went started school when he was six, he is 18 years old, he has his own apartment. Long story, short both of our parents abandoned us when we were really young.

"So what's you guys' schedule?" I ask as we walk to Minho and Newt's lockers.

"Track, Math, Science, Lunch, History, Football, and English." Minho said quickly.

"Someone's memorized his schedule." Newt said smirking.

"Yet I can't remember what year Columbus sailed the ocean blue." Minho said popping his locker open.

"1492" I replied.

"Mhm." Minho nodded.

"Newt what's your schedule?" I ask, walking towards him and his open locker.

"Math, English, Science, Lunch, History, Student Council, P.E, and Art." Newt said shoving his backpack in his locker.

"Oh well we all have Science, Lunch, and History together." I say.

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