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Thomas's POV

Minho and I look at the sun setting in the distance.

While Newt was on the phone I climbed up the tree to where Minho was and we sat together.

Newt was on the way over.

"We better start heading down." I said.

"Last one to the car's a rotten shank." Minho said while already climbing down.

"Hey that's not fair!" I yelled on the way down.

Minho was about a few yards away from me, I ran with all my might and caught up to him at the car where I won.

"Woo! Thomas the great actually beat Minho! Yeah that's-" I was about to say more until I saw Minho on the ground panting, and looked a little pale.

"Minho are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine just a rotten shank now..." He pants, "Just can't believe a shank like you beat me, klunk, I really am shucked up for good." He says smirking, standing up slowly. I frown and help him up.

Newt limp/runs over, "What happened?"

"Nothing, just tired." Minho says unlocking his car.

He gets into the driver's seat, "Minho, I'll drive you don't look so hot." Newt says before Minho could even sit down.

"Wow thanks a lot shuckface, but I'm good, it's not that far, am I dropping you guys off or-." He said sitting down.

"We're staying with you, and if you fell like you can't-" Newt says.

"I'm fine." Minho says starting the car up.

Newt and I stand outside of the car with thick air surrounding us, while the day turns into night.

Minho's POV

I can't believe this... Thomas beat me.

That shank can't even run that fast...

I sigh, and turn a corner.

 And now they're getting worried, I guess that doctor wasn't joking about resting and crap like that.

 My eyes start to feel a little heavy, I feel the car swerve a little, my eyes open and in front of me, there's a curve. I make a sharp turn and keep driving. I look in the mirrors to see if they noticed that, I see Thomas's ugly shuckface, looking out the window and doesn't seem to have noticed, and Newt beside me, is peacefully sleeping. Good.

We safely arrived at my apartment, I slammed the door and went quickly up the stairs to the room.

I leave the door open so they can come in too and I trudge to my room.

Collapsing on my bed, I feel my head throbbing and the wound felt like someone just stabbed me again.

I sigh and close my eyes.

Newt's POV

As Thomas and I walk in Minho's apartment, it's pitch black until Thomas turns on the lights. We took off our shoes and walked in as we normally do. I head towards the kitchen to cook  dinner, it's been a really long day for all of us. I grabbed 2 bags of Ramen Noodles and 3 eggs and started cooking. 

I looked over at Thomas, he had the T.V on.

"The draft notices have been sent out they are probably on the way, this is the first session of draft notices we will send out. Once every month we will send out 30 notices, we will now announce the names of the males and females who we have sent out the notices to." Vince explains on the T.V.

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