
17 1 2

Newt's POV

When we went out into the waiting room Minho still wasn't out yet. So I sat where I was before and Thomas followed, going to where he sat.

We waited for almost 15 minutes when I realized Minho's doctor was talking to one of the nurses. I got up, walked to the doctor and said, "Hey doc, did you release Minho yet?" 

"Yeah, I did about 45 minutes ago." He said looking at his watch.

Then where is he?

I said thanks and speed walked to Thomas. He was sleeping quietly in his chair, I shook him awake.

"Tommy," I said.

He groaned and opened his eyes. "What?"

"Minho has been out for 45 minutes," I say

"Ok... Where is he?" Thomas said sitting up, looking around.

"I don't know..." I said looking around.

"But get up we gotta find him," I say

He got up quickly and we started searching.

We looked in the bathroom and the other waiting rooms. I called him 12 times and texted him but no answer. The whole time I had butterflies in my stomach and I just wanted to see Minho again.

We finally gave up and decided maybe he went to his car.

When we walked out the doors we saw Alby sitting on a bench with Minho. I sighed in relief.

We got closer and saw a more clear view of the two of them, Alby was staring at nothing really and Minho's head was down, eyes closed, asleep.

"What's up Alby," I said.

"Hey, guys... So you finally came" he said standing up.

"Were you waiting with him for us?" Thomas asked.

"Yeah, he fell asleep awhile back. Didn't wanna leave him alone, especially when it's nighttime." He said eyes shifting from me and Thomas.

"Well thanks but we'll take it from here," I said trying to wake up Minho.

"I already tried waking him up but he's in a pretty deep sleep." He said walking away.

"What's up with him?" Thomas asked observing Alby walking away.

"I don't know but can you help me get him up so we can get to his apartment?" I said struggling to get Minho's right arm over my shoulders.

Thomas quickly came to my aid and got Minho's other arm over his shoulders. We both walked and carried Minho to the car.

Thomas's POV

We finally got home and Minho woke up as we were struggling to get him out of the car.

"Come on you weak shuckfaces, use those arms!" He said chuckling.

"Ugh Minho get up, I'm tired," Newt said.

"Fine." He said, he got up, stretched, and walked inside.

Newt hurried behind him as I followed.

As we went inside Minho called out that he was gonna take a shower and went into the bathroom.

Newt and I walked in Minho's room and sat on the bed. 

"Geez I'm exhausted," Newt said laying down.

"Same here," I said. 



"Can we not bring up the panic attack thing to Minho? I don't want him to worry about us, he should just focus on his safety when he's out there."

"Sure, Tommy." He responded half awake.

"Thanks," I said looking back, he was already asleep.

I smiled and laid down next to him, realizing how sleepy I was, and closed my eyes.

Minho's POV

I finish in the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. 

Tomorrow's the day. My eyes begin to water but I blink them away.

"Get it together, Minho. C'mon stop talking to yourself, it's dumb." I say to myself.

Who have I become? I chuckled and walked out into the living room.

Newt and Thomas nowhere to be seen. 

I yawn and walk into my room, about to turn on the light until I see both of them in my bed sleeping. Newt was laying on his back with one arm outstretched, not even on the bed and the other arm was around Thomas. Thomas was laying on his side, facing Newt, and his head was on Newt's shoulder. No more room on the bed for me, I smirk and take a seat on the ground and lean my head on extra space of the bed. 

The last night with my brothers, no, I'll be back, I know I will. I'll make sure of it.

With that, I closed my eyes and try to get some sleep.

Dannnnnnng I haven't updated in centuries! Sorry about that guys haha. Pretty short chapter but I'll try to make it longer next time, but yeah hope you guys liked this chapter!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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