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Thomas's POV

When we got to the room, there was an empty hospital bed, with a bedside table and a window next to it. Newt settled in a chair near the door and I sat in the one next to his. We sat in silence until I chose to speak.

"Hey do you want any food, I saw a cafeteria sign on the way here..." I asked.

Newt simply shook his head, he looked exhausted.

"Okay, I'll go ahead then, I'll get you and Minho something though..." I muttered the last part.

Newt looked up at me and nodded again and went back to staring at the emptiness of the room.

I walk out and quietly closed the door and walked out, I wasn't hungry, I wanted to find out just what was going on. I walked through the hallway, a bit lost but kept walking. I finally came across a vending machine room and saw a familiar face, Teresa.

Teresa is the first girl I met when I came here, she came to school just one day after my first day.  We became best friends but nothing more than that.

"Teresa?" I asked.

She immediately looked up and smiled sadly, she looked like she has been crying a lot.

"Hey." She said quietly, looking back at the vending machine.

"What are you doing here?" She asks me looking at me a second time.

"Minho..." Was all I could say, she understood right away and comforted me.

"So why are you here?" I asked.

"This..." She said turning around revealing a bandage on her arm.

I nodded quietly and she said, "So they came into all the classrooms huh?"

I nodded once again, I didn't know what was going on and why WICKED did this...

"Well I have to check up on the other guys." She said almost walking out the door.

"Minho's gonna be in room 115 if you and the guys want to stop by later." I said.

She nodded and disappeared into the crowded hall.

I didn't know how I found my way back to the hospital room, but I did. Newt's head was leaning on his hand and he was fast asleep. I went over to the other chair, looking at the empty hospital bed, realizing I forgot to bring food back. My eyes then started to feel heavy, drifting me to sleep.

Newt's POV

I woke up to nurses rolling a stretcher in the room. On that stretcher, laid Minho, he was asleep and had a blanket over him. I stood out of my chair, noticing Thomas was asleep also, in the chair next to me.

I walked over to the stretcher and the nurses near the hospital bed. They lifted Minho onto the bed and one walked over to me, she was short meaning I had to look down to see her.

"Please press the button, if anything happens, the doctor will come to check up on him later." She said, and walked out leaving me with two of my sleeping friends.

I was still near Minho's bed, watching his chest rise and fall slowly.

Minho's POV

The last thing I remembered was protecting my best friends, feeling a lot of pain when I doubled to the ground, and most of all the darkness. Shuck, I couldn't see a god damned thing, but I felt a truck load of pain. Sometimes I would hear someone calling my name, other times it would be some type of medical term that I didn't know.

I felt my eyes open and I looked around, there was a few chairs and a door facing me, to my left was a window and to my right was a table. I realized there were people in the room, it was Thomas and Newt, Thomas was asleep, and Newt was awake but looked like he was deep in thought. Newt was standing up near the bed I laid in. I tried to sit up in the bed, which somehow hurt a lot, I quietly winced and looked under the blanket to see my abdomen heavily bandaged.

"Minho, you awake?" Newt's voice echoed.

"Yeah." I croaked out, not realizing how hard it was to talk.

"Minho, I- I'm sorry this happened to you." he said quietly.

 He slowly came closer to the bed and immediately hugged me, when we let go...

"Newt, you didn't do this to me..." I sighed, "Looks like I'm not playing the game tonight." I looked outside the window, it was already dark outside, of course they were going to cancel the game under the circumstances.

"Minho?" Thomas pitched in now.

"Yeah, ya shank its me, little old Minho..." I sarcastically said.

Thomas stood out of his chair and made his way to the bed, he squeezed me, which hurt a whole shuckin' lot but I didn't say anything.

He finally let go and said, "Are- are you okay?"

I didn't know what he was talking about until I realized I was shaking and my hand was holding the bandaged area. Did it hurt that bad?

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I said trying not to worry them.

"So how did I get here again?" I asked scratching my head, trying not to mess my hair up, even though it was already messed up.

How did I get here? Is this a hospital? Of course it is where else would I be.

"The ambulance brought you here... To the hospital." Newt explained.

"Oh, haha don't remember that." I chuckle.

They look at me worriedly, "Why are you looking at me like I'm dead or something? I'm fine, I already told you." I say.

"Yeah, yeah you're right." Thomas said looking at Newt.

"So what's wrong with me anyway? I mean how long will I have to stay here for?" I ask.

"The doctor is supposed to come-" Newt said being interrupted by a knock on the door.

The door opens revealing a guy with a doctor's coat on.  He has a clipboard which he was reading on the way in.

"So Minho is it? Are you feeling any pain?" He asks.

"Not at all doc, can you please just tell me when I can get up and running again?" I say.

"Minho, the knife the attacker used to uh- attack you with, fortunately, didn't hit any major organs, but it doesn't mean you're out of the woods yet. We had to stitch that wound up, you have to make sure you rest, in a month we can take those stitches out." He said looking me in the eye.

I simply nod and ask, "So when can I go home?"

He chuckled and said, "Possibly tomorrow, you lost a lot of blood also, so we need to make sure you're are okay to go home. I'll check up on you later." he started out the door.

Newt's POV

Minho soon drifted to sleep, Thomas and I decided to watch the news on a little T.V the nurses brought in.

"Tragedy hit Glader High this morning, all administration found dead, more than half of the 'gladers' were injured. The Right Arm states WICKED was apart of the attack and that they will start making plans on a counter attack soon." The reporter explained.

Thomas sat back in his chair, "Shuck I didn't know... All of the adults were... killed." He says in shock.

All of them, dead, all the families, friends, and students that were connected to them, affected. WICKED is more dangerous and evil than we all thought.

"Incoming news from the President..." We heard a voice on the T.V.

"The Army will start to send out draft notices for the war to males and females from the ages 18 years to 30 years. More information will come through the week." The President finishes.

Oh klunk...

To Be Continued...

Heyyy! Its summer! And that means more updates (hopefully)! I'm sorry I haven't been updating! I promise that I'll update once/ twice a week! Anyway I'll update next week! OH yeah I have decided, for the love of bacon I will leave this as a friendship Thominewt, although I fully ship THOMINEWT SHIP I just love the friendship of them that is originally shown in the books, I AM NOT SAYING THAT THERE IS NO THOMINEWT SHIP IN THE BOOKS... oki? please don't hurt me...

~Grace :3

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