Darkness Six

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Chapter Six

The next day it was raining outside. The whole school was dark and it started thundering. I walked out my room to go find Taylor and as I was walking I thought about Nick. I thought about how he kissed me yesterday. That kiss felt like heaven, but he left me to wonder. I wondered that whole night. I didn't get not one inch of sleep. I was upset about it to. I didn't think I would go anywhere like he said. Vanishing, vanishing could mean anything. Like going to another world, or disappearing out of his life. Worst of all, it could mean just to die. Whatever what he meant, it had me thinking a lot.

I was still walking when I ran into Cole. He was last the person I wanted to see. I didn't think I would see him for a while since I haven't seen in forever. I stopped and stared at him, angry. I remembered everything he done to me and everything I wanted to get back at him for, but I couldn't. I was too weak. I don't know why though. I mean I am part vampire. Now a days I feel like a normal person. Which meant something was wrong with me. I didn't know what though.

He stared me down me down and tried to hug me, but that wasn't happening. I grabbed his arm and flipped his ass right on the ground. He arched his back in pain and clenched his fist together. I looked at him just shaking my head. He was a fucking baby. Any guy should be able to take that. I felt bad for the poor kid so I helped him off the ground and laughed in his face. "You got to be fucking kidding me." I said with a smirk on my face. "Your pathetic!'

He laughed his self which was really awkward. He moved closer to me and grinned "You know something." He started "I have my moments when I let people do things to me. Sometimes because I know I'll get them back, But half the time, half the time I do it purposely just to see there reaction." He said walking in a circle around me.

I knew he was be an idiot about the whole situation. He knew I really didn't like him, but yet he still continued to bother me. One day he's just going to push me to my limits. That day will be the day he dies since I can't control myself when my vampire side gets the best of me.

He study me, like he was trying to make out what I was thinking. He stopped in his tracks and then raised his hand. I thought he was going to hit me, but I was wrong. He kept his hand in the air and chuckled. "At any giving moment I could hit you until you bleed, hit you in every place you could imagine."  He said with a strong voice. "Who going to come to your aid? Who going to rescue you? The one boy you count on is just using you and do you know why? Trick question you don't because your to damn blind to see it." He said lowering his hand.

"Your just talking a bunch of bull shit!" I yelled in his face. "You know nothing about Nick.'

"And you do? Let me tell you something sweetheart I know more about him than you think you do so don't try and tell me anything, you know nothing about him. The only thing you know is his name and where he's from, if you even know that!' He yelled back at me.

"Well then Mr. KnowItAll, if you 'Know' So much about him, tell me, tell me what you know." I said getting pissed off by his words.

"He hasn't told you yet?" He asked as if it was shocking for him not to. "I was just talking to talk, but you really don't know?'

"No dip shit I don't...should I know?" asked wondering if it was supposed to be shared with me.

He looked at me and shook his head. "If he kissed you then he was been supposed to tell you." He looked at me and laughed so hard like his balls were going to fall off. 

"I don't get what's funny!"

"It's funny to know that he didn't say anything to do, that's unlike him." He started walking away and then turned back to me. "Then again he must not want to get rid of you like everyone else he got rid of."

"Rid of me?" I asked so lost and confused in the moment. Get rid of me? Why would Nick want to get rid of anybody.

"Yes you oblivious child!" He said screaming at the top of my lungs. "You must really mean something to him huh?"

I frowned and stared him down. He was really starting to aggravate me and I was about to go crazy. I didn't have time for this nonsense. "you know your being a real bitch, and I usually only call girls that, but you, you need to be called a girl." I said and looked up at him my eyes golden and shining. He gasped and jumped back. My eyes only got like that when I was changing, usually I change fastly, but today it was slower. "I'm not going to hurt you, not yet anyway. I'm just warning you to watch your back Cole." I walked away and left him there alone.

                                    *                                              *                                         *

I made it to Taylors room and she was laying on her bed reading a book. She was surprised that I came by to see her. One because I haven't talk to her in forever and two because I don't go to people rooms unless I'm forced to. Today I needed to take my mind off everything. She was the only one that could do that for me. Even though she doesn't seem like my best friend, she is. She's also my only friend.

She put her book down and gave me a huge hug. It was so tight I couldn't breathe, but I hugged her back anyway. I could tell she was excited to see me. Who wouldn't be excited to see their friend they haven't talked to in a long time. I felt at peace with her around and it was a good thing. I told her about everything that happened as we walked around the school making our way outside.

"That's a bummer. Man you go through a lot in school." She said leaning against the fence. "I have my problems too."

"Were just girls with problems. Something we can share." I said putting my hands behind my head. I looked up at the sky and it was dark and grey from the rain. "Hey these clouds are like the story of my life." I said to Taylor still looking at the clouds.

"What do you mean?" she asked looking at the clouds as well.

"I mean I live in a world of grey, a world with out color. Nothing has ever gone good for me. I been stuck in my house for 16 years and when I finally come to a school were everyone is different and I'm no longer alone, my world is still grey."  I said looking down and closing my eyes.

"Don't say that, You have a crazy best friend to put some color into your life." She said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"No Taylor, seriously my life is nothing but darkness, it's like a small piece a light trying to come out, but it can't, it's trapped in the darkness that won't go away." I said looking at her and shaking my head.

She really didn't understand me, but I like the fact that she listened to me. I sighed and thought for a moment. She looked at me and smiled. I had no ideal what she was smiling about, but I knew what she was about to say, was something only Taylor would say.

"You know what would turn that frown upside down?' She asked locking her arm with mine. "Some ice cream with all types of toppings."

"Really Taylor?" I said not wanting to get any ice cream.

"Yeah come on please, I thought that's what your girly girls would want when you're depressed." She said pouting at me.

"No and besides the café is closed"

"Who said we were going to the café?"

"isn't that were all the food is?" I asked curiously.

"No! silly we have an Ice cream bar! DUH! we're have you been?"

"Drowning in my tears all day." I said sarcastically.

"Well lets go then!" She was overly excited and I had no choice but to go over there with her.

As much as I wanted to going drown in my tears, I wanted to stay happy just for her. I couldn't wait to be alone again though. I also couldn't wait to see Nick, I had to talk to him about something extremely important. Something I knew I would regret saying to him. Something that makes me sick to my stoach just thinking about it. It's sad how we just started and it's just going to end.

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