Chapter 6

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The moment was so close I could feel it. All this work I put forth, I had better not fail. The clock counted down the seconds until midnight, I sat with 100% attention to my computer screen. I rolled up my shirt sleeves to reveal my elbows, I needed to relax. Sweat formed on my brow again as the clock reached 11:59. I wiped my forehead and blinked. Now the clock said 12:00 and I needed to work fast.

 I cracked in and and caused the account to "lag" and I started to copy the files and this was taking some time, fifteen seconds later I started getting schematics and detailed drawings for explosives and new weapons. I was amazed and started looking through them. I snapped back to attention after a minute and twenty seconds had passed. I panicked and minimized all the photos and quickly pulled my ghost account out. 

I looked down at my clock scared a full two minutes and three seconds had passed. I was slightly worried now but I was too busy looking through the new files I had acquired. I saw quickly printed copies and stuffed them into my backpack, then I copied the files onto 3 separate flash drives putting one in my pocket and two in different pockets of my backpack. I gathered my coat and threw my backpack over my shoulder. I saved the files in my hidden locked folder, within 180 password locked folders and briefcases, using my backdoor. 

I walked toward the exit, pushing the door open and walked down the street after taking a quick look behind myself. I walked toward the bus stop and as I turned the corner the bus took off and started driving away. A woman was walking toward me, it was the girl from the bus I had seen earlier this morning.

As I walked by I smiled at her and she smiled back and kept walking. I thought, "I need to ask her out, there are few times that you run into the same girl in the same day in a big city like New York." I told myself talking myself into doing it, though I knew the real reason was the strange feeling I had about her. So I worked up the courage and turned around and ran after her. I caught up to her at the street corner and said, "I know this is crazy but I swear I have this bazaar feeling like I know you from somewhere."

She replied, "I was thinking the same thing when I saw you this morning." She giggled.

"So does that mean you might want to get coffee sometime?" I asked hopefully.

She looked at me thinking and said, "Sure. When?"

I said, "Tomorrow after work looks free for me." Smiling at her happily.

She asked, "What time, Silly?" Smiling back.

"Oh, right! Uh, around four o'clock?" I replied feeling slightly stupid.

"Works for me, see you then." she said turning. "Oh, and no you aren't stupid." she said as if reading my mind.

I was amazed, and I turned around dumbfounded at what had just occurred. Then I realized we never picked a place to meet. I turned around to run and tell her, but as I looked back I couldn't see her anywhere. "Strange." I said out loud. I walked to the bus stop and waited for the next bus, all the while thinking, "Why didn't I ask her name?"

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