Chapter 7

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I got home close to 12:30 and opened my building's door. The elevator ride to the 9th floor was same as always, random pause on the 4th floor before continuing on. As the doors of the elevator opened I saw Jack down the hall. Jack is the owner of the building, he was a UFC fighter but his father got ill and needed him to take over the building. I walked toward him and waved. 

"You paying rent this month?" Jack asked without turning around to see me.

"Here it is." I said handing it to him.

"You know I only joke, man." He said turning with a wide smile on his face.

I replied, "Yeah I know. But seriously here it is in advance." I handed him four hundred sixty-three dollars I had in my wallet.

"Just like normal." He said laughing. "Want to come in for a drink?"

"Sure." I said entering his apartment.

He live right next door to mine, in room number three hundred fifty-five. His apartment was big enough for a medium sized couch and a large flat screen TV which always had a UFC match on. I laughed and asked him what the match was.

"Earthquake V.S. Iron man" he replied as if i knew exactly who they were.

Jack handed me a glass of expensive scotch and he asked, "What happened today?" as he took out a pizza.

"I stole some documents that the government would consider treason, met this amazing girl who didn't tell me her name and I got a date, and lastly I killed a guy with darts from the pub." I answered as we started the daily ritual of two lies one truth.

"You defiantly killed a guy." he said laughing.

"Wrong." I replied as he handed me a slice of fresh homemade pizza.

"I can't be, the documents is too detailed to have happened and there is no way you met a girl a who was willing to go out with you." he said jokingly "So what did you do?" he inquired.

"I meet this girl...." I explained to him all that had happened between us. 

"Wow, well good luck with her." he called to me from the couch as I opened the door to leave.

"Thanks." I replied as I closed the door behind me and opened my door, three hundred fifty-six.

I close the door and look at my clock, 2:36am, "Good, I have three solid hours of sleep."

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