Blessings (3)

926 36 4

Requested by: lostboys_
OC: Angelina Hamilton

Nighttime had finally graced the city. All was silent, only for the muffled singing inside nearby taverns and bars. The air felt musky, as if to summon a storm.

From the door of her bar, Angelina kept her head high, watching the moon. She hadn't been herself lately, often allowing her mind to drift off to unnecessary places. Although she told herself to stop, her mind disobeyed and made every part of her twitch.

Only a few weeks prior had she met the most beautiful woman. The moment she had walked into her bar, Angelina swore that her heart swelled at the sight. With her cherry red dress and lips, the woman had certainly attracted her attention.

Maria. She didn't know much about the woman, besides the fact she was incredibly attractive. There was so much that could happen between them, if only she ventured back to the bar.

Shaking her head, Angelina realized that she had to stay true to herself. She had other things to do and places to be. Maybe it was best they never saw one another again.

While the fair maiden kept creeping back into her mind, she headed on the way to her brother's house. If she talked to him, he might have been able to bring her to her senses.

The candles in the window wavered when she knocked at the door. It was late and she didn't even expect him to answer. She knew he stayed up into the early morning hours writing until he could no longer. So she stood firm on the porch step, waiting to see his face.

Alexander opened the door, looking flushed and half dressed. When he laid eyes on his sister, his face went pale. "Angelina. W-what are you doing here this late?"

She tried to shake away the feeling of uncertainty at the sight of him. "If you're not too busy, it would be lovely just to talk to you about something." Her brother shifted on his feet, clearly uncomfortable.

"Could we discuss this later?"

Angelina was taken aback. He never shoved her away from anything. If there was ever a matter needed to be discussed, it was answered right on the spot. This time it felt like she had been shot, something seemed to be not right.

"Please, it won't take long." She tried to step past him into the house, but he blocked her abruptly. Breathing heavily he muttered, "No."

His words kept striking her heart like a knife, quick and sharp. "What's the matter with you? Just let me-" Her mouth went dry as she noticed someone standing in the hall.

Alexander followed her gaze and began stuttering, "Ange-please-it's not what yo-" She shoved past him, letting him slam into the door. Every step felt like she was walking on fire, more so walking on the shattered remains of everything she thought she knew.

Standing in the hall, half dressed as well, was the woman she had spent almost a month fantasizing about. Maria. Lips looking a bit smudged, she looked Angelina up and down.

There was no words to express her surprise and broken heart. She looked back at her brother then at the revealing woman before her eyes. No one spoke, the silence becoming deathly. Angelina felt her head getting dizzy, she didn't know what to say or what to do.

"How-how could you do this?" She made her decision and turned towards her brother. He straightened his back and went to answer her, but she interrupted him. "You have a wife and children. Why-wh-"

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