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Requested by: Izzyd03

"God, we're really damaged."

Theodosia rested her head back against some lockers, groaning out loud. From hours of lectures and hearing gossip, her hair managed to twist out of its familiar ponytail and into a curly mess. Papers sprawled out around her legs as she continued to complain.

"You've got that right," a boy laying beside her replied. His hair resembled her own curls, which made them look like siblings. Except they were anything far from being related.

Chewing on a piece of gum, he flipped through some calculus homework. Theodosia tapped him on the head with a pencil, making sure he was still listening to her. She was a demanding girl and wanted to let the world hear her.

"I want to be normal." She slammed down her hands on the ground. "Don't you want a life outside of this place? Wait, don't you want a life with me, Philip?" Things just got interesting for her and she didn't even know how or why she made it that way.

Philip gazed up at her, saying, "We're only seventeen. Not even legal adults, Theo. I think jumping into a future relationship together might be a little much."

The two seniors had been dating for almost all four years of their high school journey. Most unlikely pair out of them all, considering that their fathers didn't get along well. That minor detail didn't stop them from spending every weekend together and going to the cinema.

But the thought of a relationship for the rest of their lives seemed even more unlikely. Their fathers wouldn't allow it. That fact aside, the two of them had trouble denying the fact that their relationship felt like forever.

"Why don't we just be seventeen then? Is that so hard to do? If we can't ever escape high school, at least being seventeen will be something, right?" Theodosia flopped her head down beside her boyfriend's, admiring all the freckles on his face. Each one was different and beautiful in its own way.

Philip slammed his textbook shut. Looking over at the girl lying beside him, he murmured softly, "We could play some poker." Both of hem erupted in giggles, knowing that the risk of being caught was high. But that was the fun of playing it.

Flipping over on her side, so she was just inches from his face, her lips formed into a genuine smile. Papers crumbled underneath her head of hair, but for all the things in the world, Theodosia didn't care. Her head leaned up as her boyfriend's reached down, lips connecting together.

Between kisses, she murmured, "Why don't we eat some chilly fries?" Her hands reached up around his neck, pulling her body closer.

Philip mumbled back, "Dancing? On prom night? The options are endless with you." He gently placed a hand on her back, making sure she didn't get crushed or punctured by any stray pencils beneath them.

Too caught up in smooching, the lovebirds didn't hear the herds of students coming down the hall. As they passed by, hoots and hollers echoed around. "Get a room! You lovebirds!"

Flustered from the passion and passerby, the two pried themselves apart, collecting their things. Even as seniors, they somehow still felt like small freshman after being taunted. Philip stuffed papers and pencils into his book bag, glaring at the group as they wandered off.

Theodosia furiously watched them turn a corner, still hooting nonsense. She recalled how her father had said how lovely school and education would be for her. He obviously didn't know what public high schools could be like.

"Humiliated. Again." She groaned in exhaustion, hearing the bell ring. Philip wrapped an arm around her, asking if she was alright. He was unaffected by the comments, but knew how much it made her frustrated.

"Let's be seventeen," she declared under her breath. "Skip class and do something worthwhile with our lives." Heading towards the main doors of the school, she turned back to Philip. Eyebrows raised, she seemed to be asking what he could possibly be waiting for.

Hesitantly, he followed her. If his father knew he skipped class so carelessly, he wouldn't be in the public high school anymore. He'd be sent off to some private school or tutored. His father often said how his girlfriend had the worst influence on him. But he only said that due to her father.

Theodosia linked their hands together. "We've still got the time to be seventeen. Can't we just be together and enjoy the ride? For us?" She tightened her grip, smiling at him. The door ahead of them loomed down like some reminder of all they were throwing away.

To the couple, it only seemed to show the opportunities beyond the gates of their public school and it's students.

Before they stepped out of the building, most likely breaking numerous rules, Theodosia turned to her boyfriend. "I want to be with you." Her face suddenly turned hopeful.

Philip didn't reply. He only grabbed her hand even tighter and pulled them through the two doors. The world outside was just waiting for their arrival. Sprinting across the courtyard, each of them hollered with laughter, breathless from the feeling of being free.

However, the satisfaction wiped away the second they reached the road. Cars buzzed by and motorcycles revved up their engines. Their carefree attitudes swept them too far. Almost taken away by the gusts of vechiles, Theodosia clung to her boyfriend, face frozen in shock.

Reality seemed to hit her in the face. The world held so many possibilities for two seventeen year olds, but just as many dangers. And it all seemed to be closing in rather quickly on them.

"Hold me tighter, please."

Instinctively, his hands wrapped around her and pulled her even closer to his chest. She was the one he chose, the one he devoted his life to inside and out, so he knew protecting her was the biggest responsibility.

No words had to be exchanged between them for them to know that they had made a decision to be together and to be seventeen. It had its risks, but its benefits.

And to them, those seemed to be the greatest things about being seventeen.

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A/N: Thank you Izzyd03 for the request! From your request, I used the song Seventeen from Heathers to capture Philip and Theodosia lively but a little rebellious spirits. Made for something cute all together!

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