Heaven (2)

431 37 5

Requested by: ruff1258 & KelseaBingham

"Don't dwell on the thought of me being lonely here. I have the pleasure of spending my time in the afterlife with many."

Alexander still couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that death had defeated him finally, and he was face to face with the reminder of all those that had died within his reach. John, most beloved and cared for in his heart, had greeted him at the gates of heaven.

It felt like the arms of an angel had picked him up from life and delivered him here. The first face he laid eyes upon was the one he spent years mourning. But there was numerous others that had slipped from his fingertips.

"I had the honor in meeting your son," John started after moments of silence passed between the two men. He gripped his friend's arm tighter and beamed. "You have passed on a special gift to him, and that is bravery. Your son is more than-"

Alexander hadn't been entirely aware of what path set itself for them, as they strolled among what felt like clouds billowing at their feet, but he became aware within seconds.

Clearing his throat, John tore himself from his friend and nodded ahead. "Why don't you hear it from the boy himself?" The sound of laughter neared and both men finally caught sight of the approaching figure.

"Father, you're here!"

No, it can't be. Alexander tried to pry his eyes from the replica of the nineteen year old he watched die. But it really was him. Philip.

"I-It's you-" He began to speak in astonishment, but let his son crush him in a long awaited embrace. Alexander knew he was crying before the tears came. The words he'd been planning to say for three years got tangled up in his mouth and he ended up falling into an even bigger mess.

"It's been a long time," Philip started, but instantly got pulled back into an embrace of exhausted and relieved sounds. John chuckled from the side. If there was one thing that made this whole afterlife experience any better, it was seeing his friend smile again.

Alexander placed a hand gently on his son's cheek, thumb caressing the skin, and he almost burst into another series of sobs. He looked just as fresh and innocent as he had when he left the world. When he smiled, all he saw was a child with so much potential.

It had gone to waste because of him.

"I'm sorry. Y-you were my everything, and I didn't think or even act upon what was right for you. The number of times your mother told me how wrong it had been, I could only think of your screams and it just drove me to-" He collapsed into his son's arms again.

"You're blaming yourself. For what? I recall being the one who got caught up in his pride and threw away a lifetime for protecting his father's name." Philip smiled softly. "I'm dead but finally with you. I know we'll be soon enough reunited with the rest of our-"

"Angelica," the two of them breathed at the same moment. Philip clutched his father's arm, expressing an incredibly disappointed and worried look, but he didn't have a chance to say anything, since someone else spoke first.

Nothing could have prepared him.

"Alexander?" Swishing her dress back and forth, the person entered his field of vision slowly. Philip turned his head and greeted the woman, referring to her as grandmother.

Alexander grew speechless. He touched his hand to his lips and broke into more tears at the sight of his mother. Her own lips curled into a pure smile, and she let out a laugh.

"I hadn't realized how handsome of a boy you are. Maybe it's been too long since a mother's seen her son?" Rachel opened her arms comfortingly and wrapped her shuddering boy up in her embrace.

"Not a single day has gone by without the thought of you," Alexander murmured into her hair, gently kissing the top of her head, and letting a relieved smile cross his face in between the tears.

Rachel leaned back to view her son more clearly. The last time she'd seen him, he had been small enough to fit into her pocket as she'd cleverly say. Yet here he was, forty seven years of age, and a decent amount taller.

Philip rocked backwards on his heels. "We met shortly after my death. She greeted me at the gates and told me lots. I owe a lot to her. She had been a fairytale of the sorts until we actually met. You didn't lie, father."

Alexander uneasily smiled. He hadn't lied on the account of his mother, but there had been so much else that he could have been more truthful of. It seemed they all realized that just when he did and luckily he was saved by another visitor.

"I thought you'd die with dignity in battle, but you know me, I mistake myself too often."

As if the day couldn't get anymore emotional and full of memories. Alexander barely had to look up to recognize that voice. He smirked at John out of the corner of his eye, just like they did when the two of them were in the field.

"Well, you doubted me, sir."

Washington made his way over to his previous aide to camp, watching as the younger man became choked up, and he let out a smile. "I would tell you in other circumstances to wipe your eyes and be a soldier, but this instance seems different, doesn't it?"

"I believe it does," Alexander stated, his head spinning at all the familiar faces and voices, and he shook hands with his former commander. Rachel touched his shoulder softly and she nodded her head to Washington.

"We all have plenty to talk about, but I can speak for us all when I ask what drove you to the decision to duel that man?" The question lingered in the air, and Alexander found himself shyly looking over at John again.

Tears piercing his pupils, gaining the courage to find an answer in his heart, Alexander finally spoke. "For reasons that no one will ever truly understand, sir. I could express endlessly for every motive to duel him and why it became the only solution to our lifelong battle. It isn't worth it though. I have died, and he shall live on. I'm filled with guilt and regret, but I would rather we leave this behind for however long he still thrives, sir."

Washington and the others exchanged glances uncomfortably. They had observed this man for months upon decades, and it seemed quite impossible to argue. All they could accept right now would have to be the fact he arrived.

"You're here. We couldn't ask for anything else from you now. It's just been so long-" Rachel pulled her son closer. She had been longing to be able to see him since the moment she left him fearful of his future.

Alexander ducked his head downward. "I plan to make up for all the lost years. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to start now," he said between sniffles. Death had been the thing he dreaded since being fourteen year old boy. What he hadn't known was the reward of seeing his loved ones again was a greater relief than being taken from the world itself.

He wouldn't waste another second. A new chapter and life had to be written. It already seemed like the time away from his parchment and quill had gone by in the blink of an eye, so he planned to get started right away, no matter how long it took.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
A/N: Thank you ruff1258 & KelseaBingham for the request! It's long awaited, but I do hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading everyone!

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