Fall Of Rain

466 29 12

Requested by: MichaelaTheWordsmith
OC: Celestine Louise de Medici

The night awoke with the sound of weapons being fired and bombs setting off. Men in their coats of blue and red stormed the street, yelling at one another and causing a disturbance in the whole area around them.

Letting out a surprised scream, as she looked from her window, Celestine covered her mouth at the sight. It had only been two months since she had moved back to America, hoping for a better life away from the man she married. In all that time, the world seemed peaceful and forgiving. But that couldn't be taken for granted now.

Heaving up the edge of her nightdress over her head, she hurried to change into something more fitting for the field. Her mind was racing with solutions, where to go first, or who to run to. Celestine took an unsteady breath and glanced out the window again. Gilbert was out there somewhere.

She couldn't let him be hurt. He was the only reason she truly decided to stay. Even though he had gotten married shortly before all her belongings were shipped over, Lafayette still corresponded with her every so often. Knowing him, he was already out in street, igniting another war.

Celestine faced herself in the mirror. Breeches, unwashed shirt, and a hat, she looked like the image of any other citizen. Tucking a letter into her pocket, the young woman gave the mirror one final glance before sprinting out the door.

The moment she stepped off the porch step of her home a sinking feeling filled her stomach, almost as a sign of doom looming over her.

Up ahead, in the crowds upon crowds of panicking people and soldiers, Celestine noticed the distinct outfit of someone she recognized. The person was suddenly swept into the swarm again, just as a canon went off, signaling even more madness.

Every muscle in her body tensed as she walked closer to the sight of commotion. Passerby didn't even give second glances. Only a few more steps, she silently reminded herself, keeping her head down from the public eye.

There came a shriek of some command to fire, and that was when Celestine caught his face among the other sweaty, shrieking people. He still had that same terrified, but excited expression on his face. It seemed he'd been deprived of war for too long.

She watched him fall back behind a barricade made out the most useless things. Chairs, wheels, boxes, all cramped together to create a shield from the damn redcoats. Celestine thought quickly to herself and hurried to reach the other side. She managed to do so, without causing any prying eyes in her direction.

Lafayette crouched a distance ahead of her, speaking in his native language to the man beside him. Deep in conversation, neither of them sensed the redcoat creeping up in front of them. Celestine's eyes widened. No.

Scrambling forward on her feet, she reached out and grabbed the weapon being held in front of her previous lover's face. "No!" A second or so passed and then she felt the impact of a billet piercing her body. All went black for a moment, before Celestine regained her senses.

I've been shot, she thought, suddenly feeling weak in her knees and completely helpless.

Gilbert raised his head and noticed the situation. More importantly, he recognized the injured person beside him. Jumping to his feet, he cried out, "Fall back! Fall back or I blow the barricade!" Slamming something into the man who fired, he held onto the edge of one of the many objects that completed the barricade.

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