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white. pure, shining white blinded dan howell's vision as he awoke with a start, prying open his heavy eyelids. the whiteness gradually faded from his eyes as he furiously blinked, trying to get a better hold on his situation. he heard faint, overlapping dialogue, but wasn't entirely able to comprehend it. once his vision had cleared he stood up quickly -too quickly- making him stagger back with dizziness. his hands were numb and hooked together in tight handcuffs that had the appearance of a giant cylinder block, covering his hands completely. nonetheless, he figured he would still be able to kill everyone in the room.

"fuck, not this shit again!" a higher-pitched voice groaned, dan matching the voice to a brunette girl who sat criss-crossed in the corner. "i've got the hangover but don't remember the party," a brunette boy grumbled, squinting as he scanned the room.

"looks like we've got fresh meat this time," a deep voice growled from beside the brunette girl, a sly smirk tainting his pale lips. his blue eyes were mockingly set on the more confused-looking half of them, including dan, who was now on his feet and leaning against a wall. dan recognized everyone in the room; some of them notorious serial killers, some being high-scale thieves. all people he wanted dead.

he recognized hazel hayes sprawled out in the corner, her eyes narrowed and her lips pursed in a firm line. tyler oakley was sat against the wall opposite from dan, an eyebrow quirked at his handcuffs as he looked over them. chris kendall was scowling in the corner, eyeing oakley suspiciously, whilst zoe sugg and philip lester were the only two who seemed to know what was going on. felix kjellberg sat in the corner silently, looking dismally upon the arbitrary group.

a figure dressed in full black was hunched beside the wall, their gaze set down. dan couldn't get a good look of them, which irritated him. besides the unknown goth in the corner, the only thing dan could piece together was that everyone there was a criminal of some sort.

"who the fuck are you?" hazel retorted, the comment directed towards chris. he shook his head and ignored the question, dizzily rising to his feet. "what about him? who the hell are you?" he asked, looking to the unknown figure, who slowly looked up. "franta?" hazel scoffed, her posture dropping a bit once she identified him. "connor franta?" dan muttered through clenched teeth, furrowing his eyebrows at the infamous assassin. connor rolled his eyes dismally, before quietly muttering, "hurry up, pentland."

bang !!

a loud collision sounded from behind dan, causing him to instantly shoot his head. hazel had banged her cylinder-block handcuffs against the wall in an attempt to break them. zoe and philip sniggered at her attempt to break free, whilst tyler and chris looked at her in annoyance.

"sit down!" a loud voice demanded, making everyone crane their necks around to see two well-attired people in a now-open doorway. hazel narrowed her eyes in on the two and apprehensively took a seat on the cold floor. "my name is louise pentland, and i'm here to indoctrinate you convicts into an off-the-books strike team, task-"

"no thanks," hazel hissed, glaring at her. louise scowled, regaining her posture as the convicts started to talk amongst themselves, despite her obvious annoyance. "i'm not working with him," seemingly everyone said at once, all of the comments directed to tyler, who scoffed. "like i'd even consider working with rank amateurs such as yourselves."

"hey buddy, you're here too. i'll work with anyone who was able to get your damned ass," chris chuckled darkly. tyler glared at chris, before looking past him and seeing the now-silent figure of phil. "i'll be damned, philip lester. what the hell are you doing here?" he smirked, quirking an eyebrow. phil gulped, slowly raising his gaze from the tile floor.

"oakley," he nodded in acknowledgment. "how'd they get you in here? too fucked up to fight back?" tyler mocked, letting out a twisted laugh before phil leapt towards him, pummeling him to the ground. "son of a bitch!" he shouted, grounding his fist into tyler's face.

zap !!

"aaggh," phil yelped, falling to the side and off of tyler's body. his body involuntarily convulsed, wide-eyed and shaking. "pay attention or you'll all have what he's getting," louise spoke, lazily gesturing to phil's seizing body with a controller in her hand. her thumb pressed against one of the various buttons, and phil stopped seizing. he let out a shaky breath, hissing "bitch" under his breath.

if louise heard him, she didn't care, and continued. "task force x is a secret government team of convicts with zero hope of release, serving as expendable agents in seemingly impossible missions. in return for your successful services, time will be shaved off of your sentences."

"i've gotten out of prison 9 times. i'll pass up on risking life for a week off my 9000 years," chris said lazily, pursing his lips. "what happens if i say no?" tyler questioned in doubt of having a choice. "you'll die, any more stupid questions?" louise retorted, watching zoe's hand shoot up excitedly. she rolled her eyes, "yes, sugg?"

"what's in my neck? a tracker?" she asked earnestly, erupting a half-hearted chorus of "yeahs" from the rest. "yes, and a nanotechnology explosive controlled from here. try to escape, disobey an order, hell, give me a right answer too slow and your brains'll be covering the streets. and honey, it won't be pretty," she retorted.

"you're lying," felix spoke up for the first time, "you would not go to all this trouble just to kill us." jack, who still hadn't said a word, scoffed. "try me," louise said, stepping to the side as the giant metal door slid open. felix looked to his side at the fellow convicts, who didn't budge.

hesitantly, he stood up and slowly walked towards the door. a thick red line was striped across the opening to mark the boundary. he breathed deeply, and placed his foot a few inches past the line.


his nerves lowered a bit and he stepped again, so that his body was fully past the line.


"you lie-" felix started with a laugh, before his face dropped upon hearing a rapid beeping sound from his neck. "shit," he gasped, before--

boom !!

dan felt liquid splatter across his cheek, and upon opening his eyes saw heated, dripping blood covering him and the closest convicts. neither jack not louise seemed to be in the slightest phased, and simply flicked off the blood on their arms and wiped it across the stained wall.

"shit," chris breathed, letting out a shaky laugh. "well then, count me in, love."

phil cleared his throat, "what're we doing that made you bring in amateurs?" connor laughed, a step up from his silent state. "bridges asylum for the criminally insane," he chuckled darkly, looking towards zoe. "have a lot of experience there, i believe?" chris immediately recoiled away, laughing in disbelief. "screw that!" phil dimly chuckled, "that's insane."

"how do we know she can handle herself that close to deyes?" tyler spoke, causing zoe's eyes to darken immediately. "he's a jerk, we're done," she hissed, her lips pursed. "zoe has an encyclopedic knowledge of the bridges asylum and it's layout. she's vital for this mission's success," louise said firmly. "speaking of which," tyler said, "what is this mission? what do you want with the bridges?"

louise remained silent for a moment. "i trust you're all familiar with the low-life psychopath who calls himself the riddler?" dan furrowed his eyebrows, "pj ligouri? what do you want with him?"

"he compromised our computer systems and has stolen a major file, containing the records of every known detail on every known convict, including yours. he's threatening to release them onto the internet, which isn't good for anybody."

the room went silent, until dan cleared his throat. "when do we start?"

woo i finally updated !
thoughts on the story so far? (much appreciate very thanks)

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