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the second the brunette's heels clapped against the smeared blood traced delicately across the white tiles of ligouri's cell, dan already felt uneasy. the crimson stains flooded around phil's feet as he fell through the ventilation system and near the guard's pierced body; the only sounds in the cell being the underlying white noise of silvery gunshots and misery from the asylum's power-outage havoc and the slow breathing from the dimmed corner. overly-shiny curls flickered in the yellowed lights as the prisoner's bloodshot irises shot up from behind the bed. "who-," he coughed, a blood-smeared grin peeking out from behind the stained sheets. "whose pawns are you playing as?"

shuffling sounded from the corner as pj rose to his feet, swaying softly as he flicked a tiny, dripping blade in between his dirt-stained fingers. his greasy, brunette locks swung across his wide, yellowed eyes as he didn't blink. dan gulped as neither of them answered, though they didn't have to. "pentland," he hissed as dan carefully eyed the tiny blade in the killer's bloodthirsty fingertips. "that bitch."

"we aren't here for gossip," phil grumbled as dan narrowed his eyes in on the bloodied lips of the murderer suspiciously. "you're here to kill me," pj grinned, swaying softly still. "so why haven't you?" phil stepped forward frustratedly, before the brunette's arm held him back. "wait," dan mumbled as he looked the bloodied handprints and torn hospital fabric up and down. "you were part of one of her teams, like us, weren't you?" he spoke darkly after a minute, earning a giggle from the shadowed man as he continued to sway. phil furrowed together his eyebrows as he stepped back. dan remained silent before his eyes shot wide. "you still are, you didn't steal the files, she gave them to you.. but why?"

"what does she need more than anything, what makes her tick?" a tainted grin grew across the crimson-smeared cracks that laid- almost rhythmically- upon the lips of the curly-haired brunette. "tick, tick-" phil's eyes widened as the insomniac veins that patterned his eyes became laced with anger, rolling up pj's shirt inside his clenched fists. "stop the fucking riddles, why the fuck are you here?!" pj bit down hard on his lip as he stifled a giggle, "boom."

"there's bombs rigged everywhere in this shithole," connor suddenly hissed from behind them, the fabric around his wrists scorched as he breathed heavily. "pentland wants an easy blame when half the fucking city's gone," he hissed, raising his trembling fist in the direction of pj's head as the two confused assassins flinched back. it didn't take five seconds for pj to drop dead, but not from the tainted seduction of the flickering flames, but from the thrown knife lodged between his bony neck. tyler stood behind them, his glossed-over irises flickering against the yellowed iridescence of the dimmed, overhead lights.

"we could've used him!" dan snarled as he stepped threateningly towards tyler, behind pushed back by connor as the brunette's irises darted between them. "there's nothing else we need to know, except for the fact that if we don't get out of here we're all as good as him," he breathed huskily, and the yellowed, insect-corpse laden lights flashed to a deep red. "chris blew up the security systems, which means it's a fucking prison break. so get the fuck out." phil's azure irises darted to meet dan's, a knowing look expressed across the crimson veins that patterned their bloodshot eyes. they took off in a sprint as tyler hissed behind them, following quickly after the two. "which way's out?!" phil panted as they ceased at the multitude of screams roaring from the different, cerise-stained hallways. "thi-" dan started, before convulsing forward at the piece of metal now in his shoulder.

"of course, leaving without running into my two least favorite nutjobs would've been too easy," tyler grumbled as he flicked a knife between his fingers, eyeing the blood-smeared grins and hoarse giggles bleeding out from the standing couple. "missed me?" zoe grinned as alfie trailed his stained fingers across her defined shoulders. phil's eyes narrowed as he tensed up, standing defensively in front of a grimacing, blood-dripping dan. "we're all going out if we waste our time here," phil breathed as his irises darted pensively between the divided sides.

"oh, don't worry," alfie breathed heavily, his hoarse pants growing into a laugh, "it won't take long to kill you."

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