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"howell, rubber bullets only. we want this as off-the-grid as off-the-grid gets, so lets keep the body count to a minimum. tomorrow, you'll be dropped into downtown london where you'll rendezvous with a power broker who'll be getting you inside. and don't forget, i click this button and your guts are featured as a new mural on the london streets."

louise's words spiraled around dan's cloudy head as he awoke with a dizzy start, suddenly stricken with fading, spotted blindness and cold sweats. "aw, pretty boy's awake," hazel dryly mocked, earning a sly giggle from zoe. "phil hasn't stopped staring at you ever since we took off," the laughing brunette added, causing phil's gaze to dart away.

"took off?" dan mumbled in question, swinging his head to the side where he was met with a view of london, thirthy thousand feet in the air. "shit," he gasped, feeling a sick pit of nausea start to turn in his stomach. "is pretty boy scared of heights?" chris questioned with a smirk, dan flexing his fingers around the metal straps that held him down in his seat.

"fuck off," he growled, clenching his jaw and swallowing the lump off anxiety in his throat. zoe suddenly gasped, earning eyes to turn towards her in expectancy. "we," she began deviously, grinning at the group around her.

"truth or dare! truth or dare!" she shouted in brilliance, earning an eye roll from dan and a half-hearted chuckle from phil. "go on then," the raven-haired boy encouraged, and dan could feel the line separating sarcasm and things that just should not be encouraged blurring to no existence.

"okay okay, chris, truth or dare?" she asked excitedly, jumping around in her seat. "truth," he mumbled, resting his face against his fist lazily and not displaying much interest in playing. "out of the six of us, who do you want dead the most?" she giggled, clamping her hand against her lips in anticipation. "uh, there's seven of us?" hazel muttered questioningly, her eyes leading to connor instinctively. "oh, sorry conny, you're just so quiet!" zoe cackled, earning an eye roll from the fiery goth strapped in the far corner.

"obviously oakley," chris scoffed, earning a chorus of agreeing mumbles and contemplating nods.

"why me?" tyler asked after a moment, smirking at chris. "uh," chris stammered, earning the silver-haired boy's smirk to deepen. "perhaps, its because i'm better at my job than you."

"perhaps, its because you're a cocky bastard," chris spat, crossing his arms frustratedly. zoe frowned, turning to tyler. "yeah, no one even likes yo-"

shriek !!

the arguing banter halted at a loud creaking sound, resembling fingernails scraping down a whiteboard. "what the fuck is that?" dan asked hurriedly, his fear of heights more so a fear of falling. "i, it's probably nothing threatening," phil mumbled absentmindedly, his eyes nervously looking around the room.

shriek !!

"there it is again," chris gulped, clearing his throat anxiously. "no shit," connor grumbled, tapping his fingertips against his knee. "is there something up with the plane?" hazel questioned, but before any of the convicts' lips could part to speak the floor was let out from beneath them; their bodies rapidly descending through the sky.

screams tore through the air and cackles could be distinctively recognized from where zoe was held down in her seat. "pentland!" dan screamed, gritting his teeth together and wrenching his eyes shut.

"this is just a reminder that i hold all of your lives in my hands," louise's grim voice spoke through his earpiece, directly before a parachute was released behind him and he was soon floating towards the ground. "lets do it again!" zoe laughed upon her feet making contact the filthy cement that made up london pavements.

dan stood still for a mere moment before repulsing to the side, retching out onto the streets and trying to shake the ringing in his ears. "jesus fucking christ," he hissed, scrambling back to his feet as louise started to speak again.

"12th and main, go now," she demanded, disconnecting immediately and leaving the group alone in the 2am bustling of big-city nightlife; primarily consisting of the musk of midnight alcohol, uncoordinated cologne, and intoxicated footsteps leading to slurred hotel rooms and sloppy hookups.

"well, she said go now," phil mumbled quietly, starting to trail his footsteps along the murky streets of london. "are you sure we should be up on the streets?" tyler inquired distastefully. "she did say off-the-grid, and there's a cop about twenty feet in front of you."

"fuck, where?" hazel gasped, narrowing her eyes in upon laying eyes on the officer. "i can take care of him easy," she smirked, a harsh fog of ice to form around her cold fingertips. "no," connor stated, biting his lip as he thought. "we take the sewers."

"no bloody way!" chris spat, causing a chorus of agreeing grunts of disgust to erupt from the others. "wouldn't want that pretty little head of yours on the other side of the street now, would we?" connor's darkened, his fiery words dripping off his lips like gasoline about to ignite a flame.

chris didn't try to hide his groan, turning on his heel and gesturing to the nearest manhole. "phil, the honors?" phil smirked with a hint of deadliness and strode towards the manhole, lifting it from the ground as if it was nothing more than a paper clip.

"well, shit," chris grunted, pushing tyler away from him and hopping into the circular void first. the rest quickly flocked into the sloshing, murky water, the journey to 12th and main proving to mainly consist of sarcastic remarks and death threats to connor. as the above-ground nightclub's music continued to get louder and a few distinct gunshots rang in the eerie air, connor stopped beneath the manhole in expectancy.

"if you haven't noticed, we're at our destination, not the back of a cop car. so i believe a thank you is in order," he commented dismally, pursing his lips as the group crawled out of the sewers desperately. "the only thank you i'll be giving is to myself once i slice open your throat," hazel spat, sending him a chilling glare.

"what is this place, anyway?" phil asked, raking his eyes down the booming, neon club. dan scoffed loudly. "if you've never been here, you can't call yourself a successful criminal," he smirked, shaking his head.

"this is nightcrawlers, troye sivan's club."

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