Alone Together

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"Ugh, Katelyn, do you really have to go?" I complained. Today I was stuck in bed from being sick. I had a pretty bad cold and it wasn't getting better. Katelyn was going to be out of the house to go to the mall along with Kawaii~Chan, Travis, Dante, Garroth, and Laurance. I don't even know why they were going. I guess they were just going to hang out or something.

"Yes, Aphmau. Look, we'll only be there for a few hours. It'll be around midnight by the time we get back. If anything happened, just call, okay?" She said.

"Yeah, whatever, mom." Katelyn always acted like she was my mom sometimes. She hated whenever I called her that. She groaned.

"Ugh! Aphmau, I swear!" She yelled. I giggled, but stopped from sneezing. Suddenly Kawaii~Chan started yelling from downstairs.

"Katelyn~Sama! We're all ready to go! Is Katelyn~Sama ready?"

"Yes, Kawaii~Chan, just hold on." Katelyn yelled. She turned back to me. "You'll be fine, Aphmau. Maybe I'll bring you something back from the mall, sound good?"

"An Olive Garden gift card?" I asked, I pouted and whimpered like a puppy. She sighed.

"Yeah, fine. I'll do that. Well, bye!" She started walking over to the door.

"YAY!" I screamed. But ended up coughing again.

Katelyn closed my door and the room grew silent. I sighed and turned over. I tried to fall back asleep. I grabbed a tissue from next to me and blew my nose. I tossed the tissue in the trashcan and got comfortable in my bed. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep. After I got about two minutes of sleep, I heard a noise. The noise sound like a door closed. The front door. A confused look came across my face.

Is someone here?

I sat up from my bed and rubbed my eyes. I sniffed. Out of nowhere, my door opened. Someone was there. Someone I knew. Laurance. Why was he here?

"L-Laurance!? Why are you here!? Didn't you go with the others to the mall to hang out?" I asked.

"Well, I was going to do that but...well, I convinced the others that I should stay back with you. I mean, your sick may need my help, right?"

"I can do things my self, Laurance! Just because I'm-" I paused to sneeze, "-sick, doesn't mean I can't do things!" I sniffed again.

"Heh, yeah, knowing you, I know you things on your own-" I cut him off.

"Then why are you here?"


"'Cause why?"

"'Cause, I want to."


"Look, I just wanted to stay back with you. I just wanted to keep you company."

"I have Celeste to keep me company."

"Celeste is a dog, and I'm a hot human being like you." He said with a smirk. I laughed and coughed at the same time.

"Pfft, yeah right." I said. "You better not try anything!"

"I won't! I already know you like Aaron anyway." The name Aaron made me blush.

"H-Hey, I don't have feelings for him! I can't when I already have feelings for someone else." I said.

Great, Aphmau, why did you have to say that!?

"Oh? And who may that be?" He asked, sitting down next to me.

"No one!" I sniffed. "It's none of your business anyway."

"Hmph, fine." He paused and smirked again. "Could you give a hint?"

"H-Hey! No! It'll be obvious then!" I said.

"What, because it's me?" I blushed even harder.

"No! I-It's not you!" I sneezed again. "Look, can you just let me get some rest?"

"Fine, but I'm staying."

I laid back down and tried to fall asleep. Right before I could sleep, I felt something in my bed move. I turned to my other side and saw Laurance in bed with me! My face turned bright red.

"H-H-H-HEY! W-W-WHY ARE YOU IN BED WITH ME!?" I questioned. He blushed.

"H-Hey, calm down. It was just a joke."

"Then why are you still here!?" I coughed again.



"'Cause I love you."

He started inching closer to me and leaned in closer. Before I knew it, his lips were on mine. I blushed even harder and pulled away quickly.

"L-L-Laurance...LAURANCE, WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!? Y-You're gonna get sick now!"

"Hey!" He chuckled. "It was worth it. Besides, it was the perfect moment."

"NO! IT WASN'T! Hey, you know what it's the perfect moment for?" I paused. "The perfect moment to slap you!"

I attempted to slap him across the face but he grabbed my hand. He moved it out of the way and kissed me again. This time, his arms were around me so I couldn't break away. It was like being trapped in a cage that you couldn't escape from. I felt my face on fire. Though, it probably is for real right now. For some reason, I felt a feeling. A feeling of comfort. Kissing Laurance felt...nice in a way. Maybe it was because...he was the one I liked. No, not liked, loved. I closed my eyes and kissed back. But then something interrupted our moment. There was a voice coming from the house.

"Ugh! I can't believe Kawaii~Chan left her notebook full of ships at her house! Hmm...not in Kawaii~Chan's room. Hmm...maybe Aphmau~Senpai knows." There were footsteps coming towards my room. "Hey, Aphmau~Senpai? Do you know where Kawaii~Chan left her notebook at?"

She was about to open the door! I tried to give a sign to Laurance about Kawaii~Chan but he wouldn't pull away. Without knocking, Kawaii~Chan barged into my room! She gasped.

"AHHH! APHMAU~SENPAI IS KISSING LAURANCE~KUN! KAWAII~CHAN NEEDS PICTURES!!" She got out her phone and took, like, a million pictures. Laurance stopped kissing me and we stared at Kawaii~Chan awkwardly, while blushing.


"Oh, sure! Aphmau~Senpai and Laurance~Kun love each other!! AHHH!"

"KAWAII~CHAN! DO NOT tell a soul about this! Or you're nothing but a memory!" I screamed.

"Ahh! Sheesh, Aphmau~Senpai! Fine, Kawaii~Chan will take down all the pictures she just posted on Twitter and Instagram..." She sighed.


Hey, guys! This is my first time doing one shots so I'm sorry they're confusing and random XD. Hope you liked the first one shot! <3
~@The_Laurmau_Army (Majestickittycat)

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